ࡱ> *,)  bjbj qrr$ :<<<<<<{<<Q::2&g0 <<r {: SPU Sample Debriefing Form List title of project here Include following information as applicable. Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine ___________. Background This study was based on previous work by _________ who studied _____. SPECIFIC HYPOTHESIS AND VARIABLES DECEPTION If deception was used explain the nature of the deception and why it was used CONFIDENTIALITY Reassert the confidentiality of the data FINAL REPORT Tell participants how they can receive the final report of the study CONTACT Tell participants who they can contact if they have any questions, including the phone number for the Principal Investigator and SPU Institutional Review Board Chair at 206-281-2201. References and Further Reading 789go " # $ . / 1 ~  ! " # ͸͙͙ͧͧͧͧͧͧͧͧ͋ͧ͟͟͟͟hzmB*phh&/B*OJQJ^Jph hzm0JhzmB*ph!hzm5B*OJQJ\^Jph)hzm5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphhzmB*OJQJ^Jphhzm0J5\hzmB*CJaJphhzm5B*CJ\aJph*9gp " $ / 1  $a$ ]^$a$$a$$a$$a$  " $ $a$$a$50P/ =!"#$% Dp8 00P/ =!"#$% Dpf 888666666666vvvvvvvvv666666866666666666666666666666666666266666666666666666668H6666626666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~OJQJ_HmH nH sH tH X`X 0Normal1$7$8$H$$CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH <@< 0 Heading 1@& B*phD@D 0 Heading 3 dd@& B*phDA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List dod Default1$7$8$H$-B*CJOJQJ^J_HaJmH phsH tH R/R Heading 3 Char5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJ@W`@ 0Strong5B*OJQJ\^JphF^@F 0 Normal (Web) dd B*phV/1V Heading 1 Char"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ 4"@4 0Caption B*ph8B@8 0 Body Text B*phH/aH 0Body Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! I_TS 1?E??ZBΪmU/?~xY'y5g&΋/ɋ>GMGeD3Vq%'#q$8K)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\TZaG*y8IjbRc|XŻǿI u3KGnD1NIBs RuK>V.EL+M2#'fi ~V vl{u8zH *:(W☕ ~JTe\O*tHGHY}KNP*ݾ˦TѼ9/#A7qZ$*c?qUnwN%Oi4 =3ڗP 1Pm \\9Mؓ2aD];Yt\[x]}Wr|]g- eW )6-rCSj id DЇAΜIqbJ#x꺃 6k#ASh&ʌt(Q%p%m&]caSl=X\P1Mh9MVdDAaVB[݈fJíP|8 քAV^f Hn- "d>znNJ ة>b&2vKyϼD:,AGm\nziÙ.uχYC6OMf3or$5NHT[XF64T,ќM0E)`#5XY`פ;%1U٥m;R>QD DcpU'&LE/pm%]8firS4d 7y\`JnίI R3U~7+׸#m qBiDi*L69mY&iHE=(K&N!V.KeLDĕ{D vEꦚdeNƟe(MN9ߜR6&3(a/DUz<{ˊYȳV)9Z[4^n5!J?Q3eBoCM m<.vpIYfZY_p[=al-Y}Nc͙ŋ4vfavl'SA8|*u{-ߟ0%M07%<ҍPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 +_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] 7  8@0(  B S  ?&/zm@@Unknowng*Ax Times New RomanTimes New Roman5SymbolG. *Cx ArialHelveticaG. [ @VerdanaVerdana7.{ @Calibri7K@CambriaA BCambria Math"h%Z٦%Z٦rr!xx2$P&/2!xx,SPU School of Psychology, Family & CommunitymdiddamscwallschOh+'0`x   ( 4@HPX0SPU School of Psychology, Family & Community mdiddamsNormal cwallsch2Microsoft Office Word@F#@62@62r՜.+,0 hp|  SPU -SPU School of Psychology, Family & Community Title  "#$%&'(+Root Entry F(2-1Table WordDocumentqSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8!CompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q