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Sample scoring sheet: Student nameSubject Competency/ Responsive to assignmentPurpose/ thesisCompleteness/ well developedOrganization/ structureProfessional Style Audience/ Voice/ ToneEconomy/ DictionMechanicsJoe4334322Jane4422322Jill5344344 SBE Writing Rubric Poor (1)Developing (2)Marginal (3)Good (4)Excellent (5)Subject competency/ Responsive to assignment (coherently expresses a complex situation)The paper did not address the assignment or otherwise failed to demonstrate subject competence. The paper demonstrates limited, lower-level subject competence. It suggests that the author may have misunderstood aspects of the assignment. The paper showed some subject competence and is generally responsive to the assignment but did not adequately treat important aspects of the topic. The paper reflects sufficient subject competence, understanding of the assignment, and does a good job of coherently expressing a complex situation.The paper demonstrates high subject competence, clear understanding of the assignment, and evidences a good, thorough job of a nuanced and coherent expression of a complex situation.Purpose/ Thesis The writing lacks a central idea or purpose. The writing is characterized by ideas that are extremely limited or simply unclear. The paper lacks focus. Main ideas and purpose are somewhat unclear. The writing is characterized by a purpose and main idea(s) that may require extensive inferences by the reader. The reader can understand the main ideas and purpose, although they may be overly broad, simplistic, overly- or simply seem to echo observations heard elsewhere.The writing is clear, focused and interesting. It is characterized by clarity of purpose and by main ideas that stand out.The writing is exceptionally clear, focused and interesting. It is characterized by a very clear understanding of purpose and by main ideas that stand out.Completeness/ Well developedThe writing is characterized by attempts at development that are minimal or non-existent; the paper may be too short to demonstrate the development of an idea. The writing is characterized by an inadequate attempt at development of the main idea; the paper relies on insufficient details, irrelevant details that clutter the text, extensive repetition of detail, or details lacking credible sources Attempts to develop the main idea are not entirely successful. The paper is characterized by the use of supporting details that are generally relevant, but may be overly general or limited in places. Occasionally the supporting details may be out of balance with the main idea(s) or not adequately supported by credible resourcesMain ideas are developed by supporting details suitable to audience and purpose. The writing is characterized by clarity and focus, the use of supporting, relevant, and carefully selected details, the use of resources that provide credible support, and a thorough, balanced exploration of the topic. The writing makes appropriate connections and insights. Main ideas are developed well with rich details suitable to audience and purpose. The paper is characterized by clarity and focus, the use of supporting, relevant, and carefully selected details; the use of resources that provide strong, accurate, support, a thorough, balanced in-depth exploration of the topic and interesting and non-obvious connections and insights. Organization/ Structure/ CoherenceThe writing lacks coherence; organization seems haphazard and disjointed. Even after rereading, the reader remains confused. The writing is characterized by a lack of effective sequencing, a failure to provide an identifiable beginning, body, and/or ending, a lack of transitions, a lack of organization, which ultimately obscures or distorts the main point.The writing lacks a clear organizational structure. An occasional organizational device is discernible; however, the writing is either difficult to follow and the reader has to reread substantial portions, or the piece is simply too short to demonstrate organizational skills. The writing may be characterized by sequencing where the order of the relationship among ideas is frequently unclear, a missing or extremely undeveloped beginning, body, and/or ending, inadequate transitions, or details that seem to be randomly placed.An attempt has been made to organize the writing; however, the overall structure is inconsistent or skeletal. The writing may be characterized by sequencing where the order or relationship among ideas is occasionally unclear, a beginning and an ending, which, although present, are either undeveloped or too obvious, transitional devices that are overused or occasionally inadequate, and a structure that is skeletal or too rigid. The organization enhances the central idea(s) and its development. The order and structure are strong and move the reader through the text. The writing is generally characterized by effective sequencing, an organizational structure that fits the topic, an inviting beginning that draws the reader in and a satisfying sense of resolution or closure, in most cases, a smooth, effective transition among all elements (sentences, paragraphs, ideas) and details that fit where placed.The organization enhances the central idea(s) and its development. The order and structure are compelling and move the reader through the text easily. The writing is characterized by effective, perhaps creative, sequencing, a strong, inviting beginning that draws the reader in and a strong, satisfying sense of resolution or closure, a consistently smooth, effective transitions among all elements (sentences, paragraphs, ideas) and details that fit well where placed.Professional in style (audience, voice and tone)Unprofessional or no demonstrated concern for audience, voice or tone.Limited concern for audience, sense of voice and tone.Appropriate tone but limited expression of a point of view or limited concern for audience Generally expresses a point of view that is usually sensitive to audience and appropriate in tone.Expresses a clear point of view in a fully professional, authentic voice and is sensitive to audience, and tone throughout.Economy/ DictionThe writing is excessively wordy, rambles and evidences no efforts to tighten the text through editing. The reader cannot glean the principal ideas and recommendations from a quick read. Word choices reflect imprecise or inappropriate selection.The writing evidences some attention to brevity although could be edited further to enhance communication efficiency substantially. The paper is not excessively wordy or repetitive but still requires a careful read to discern key concepts.The writing is tightly drafted and to the point. Word choice and organizational structure have been carefully selected to maximize efficient communication. Key ideas and suggestions can be easily discerned by a quick read. MechanicsNumerous errors in usage, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation repeatedly distract the reader and make the text difficult to read. The severity and frequency of errors are so overwhelming that the reader finds it difficult to focus on the message and must reread for meaning. The writing may be characterized by very limited skill in using conventions, repeated, severe and frequent errors in basic punctuation and spelling, paragraph breaks that are highly irregular or so frequent that they bear no relation to the organization of the text, and capitalization that appears to be random. In general, the paper evidences a need for extensive editing.The writing demonstrates limited control of standard writing conventions. Errors impede readability. The writing may be characterized by less than full control over basic conventions, end-of-sentence punctuation that is usually correct but internal punctuation that contains frequent errors, spelling errors that distract the reader, paragraphs that sometimes run together or begin at ineffective places, capitalization errors, and other errors in grammar and usage that do not block meaning but that do distract the reader. In general, the paper evidences a significant need for editing.The writing demonstrates control of standard writing conventions. Minor errors, while perhaps noticeable, are not enough to distort meaning or confuse the reader. The writing is characterized by control over conventions used, (although a wide range is not demonstrated), correct end-of-sentence punctuation (although occasionally internal punctuation may be incorrect), spelling that is usually correct, basically sound paragraph breaks that reinforce the organizational structure, correct capitalization, but with occasional lapses in correct grammar and usage. The paper evidences a moderate need for editing. The writing demonstrates strong control of standard writing conventions (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks, grammar and usage) and uses them effectively to enhance communication. Errors are so few and so minor that they do not impede readability. The writing is characterized by strong control of conventions, effective use of punctuation, correct spelling, even of more difficult words, paragraph breaks that reinforce the organizational structure, and correct capitalization. The paper evidences correct grammar and usage that contribute to clarity and style with little need for editing.The writing demonstrates exceptionally strong control of standard writing conventions (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks, grammar and usage) and uses them effectively to enhance communication. The paper is virtually error-free. The writing is characterized by strong/effective use of punctuation, correct spelling (even of more difficult words) paragraph breaks that reinforce the organizational structure, and correct capitalization. The paper evidences skill in using a wide range of conventions in a sufficiently long and complex piece. There is virtually no need for further editing.     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