2012-13 Undergraduate Catalog
David L. McKenna Hall Douglas A. Downing, Contact Person Economics Faculty: John Deming, Doug Downing For a complete overview of degree requirements, visit the main page of School of Business and Economics in this Undergraduate Catalog. Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources among competing uses. Many vital issues that affect human welfare are studied in the Economics major at SPU, with emphasis on a Christian perspective on society’s decisions about how to organize the production and distribution of goods and services. The Economics major presents the study of economics as one of the social sciences. All students will complete classes within the Economics general core. The program is structured to provide the widest latitude for the student to select elective courses that will develop the student’s economic interests, and students may choose a concentration option within the economics major. Requirements for the Major in Economics For students who will seek employment immediately after graduation, an internship (ECN 4940) is recommended. Concentration Options Students wishing to pursue a disciplinary concentration must take at least 15 upper-division elective credits from courses in that discipline. Concentration options include:
Graduate School Track Students who plan to attend graduate school in Economics are encouraged to complete MAT 1236 Calculus III (requires prerequisites). Students completing this course may count it toward 5 credits of electives in the Economics major, and they may waive the requirement for GEO 1110, POL 1110, or POL 1120. Additional Requirements In addition to the curricular requirements for the major, students must also attend the New Majors Orientation, and fulfill both a writing and a computer competency requirement before graduation. New Majors Orientation Newly admitted students will be welcomed to the SBE community at an orientation evening held in early spring. The orientation will include information on the SBE mission and practical tips on succeeding in SBE majors. All newly admitted majors are required to attend this event. Writing Competency Requirement
Computer Competency Requirement Requirements for the Minor in Economics The requirements for the minor in Economics include a 20-credit core of ECN 2101, ECN 2102, BUS 4899, and either ECN 3101 or ECN 3102, followed by 10 elective credits in ECN or other approved coursework. Formal application to the minor is required. Students desiring to minor in Economics must apply to the minor and have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.7 in a minimum of 45 quarter credits of coursework. Need to know when a course is being offered? Check the 2012-13 Time Schedule. |