2012-13 Undergraduate Catalog
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TRE 1110 | TRE 1310 | TRE 1340 | TRE 1720 | TRE 1730 | TRE 1810 | TRE 1930 | TRE 1931 | TRE 2320 | TRE 2330 | TRE 2340 | TRE 2350 | TRE 2420 | TRE 2421 | TRE 2733 | TRE 2740 | TRE 2751 | TRE 2950 | TRE 3321 | TRE 3331 | TRE 3340 | TRE 3710 | TRE 3720 | TRE 3733 | TRE 3750 | TRE 3780 | TRE 3800 | TRE 3930 | TRE 3931 | TRE 4760 | TRE 4770 | TRE 4899 | TRE 4900 | TRE 4911 | TRE 4913 | TRE 4930 | TRE 4943 | TRE 4950 | TRE 4951 | TRE 4961 | VIEW ALL
TRE 1110: The Theatre Experience (5) Offerings
A study of the theatre as both a distinctive art form and a social instrument, considered from three viewpoints: those of the artist, the spectator, and the critic. Requires attendance at three to four evening theatrical performances. Extra fees required for events collected in class.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A Restrictions:Theatre Majors are excluded.
TRE 1310: The Actor's Art (5) Offerings
Intended for non-theatre majors or minors. An introduction to the actor's task in preparation for the dramatic performance; focuses on developing sensory awareness, observation skills, selective imagination, and ensemble relationships through improvisation and scene work. No credit for students who have taken TRE 1340.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A
TRE 1340: Acting I: Fundamentals (5) Offerings
Designed for intended theatre majors or minors or others with extensive acting experience. Prepares students for dramatic performance through intensive work in sensory awareness, observation skills, and selective imagination. Develops ensemble relationships through improvisation and scene work. No credit given for students who have taken TRE 1310.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A
TRE 1720: Stagecraft (5) Offerings
An introduction to the backstage crafts of theatrical production and management, intended to give the student a broad understanding of the basic principles and technical procedures used in theatrical production management and the design and production of scenery.
TRE 1730: AutoCAD Drafting (3) Offerings
Prerequisites: TRE 1720 and 1931. This course will introduce students to CAD drafting, specifically AutoCAD. The emphasis will be on two-dimensional drawings for Theatre applications with the use of basic AutoCAD draw and edit commands. Additional topics will include: scale factors, text, dimensioning, and layout for drawings.
TRE 1810: Playscript Analysis (3) Offerings
Foundational approaches to problems of script analysis. Reading and analysis of representative plays from the distinct perspectives of playwright, actor, designer,and director. Attendance at selected theatrical productions and critical response.
TRE 1930: Performance Practicum (2) Offerings
Offered for performance or directing-related activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A
TRE 1931: Production Practicum (2) Offerings
Offered for design, technical theatre, or management activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A
TRE 2320: Stage Movement (3) Offerings
Specialized movement for the actor including work in physical flexibility, balancing, equilibristics, circus techniques, hand-to-hand combat, and use of theatrical masks for performance. Offered alternate years.
TRE 2330: Stage Combat (3) Offerings
Prerequisite: TRE 1310 or 1340. Develops a basic proficiency in the performance of unarmed stage combat. Rolls, falls, slaps, punches, kicks, chokes, and other techniques taught using guidelines of the Society of American Fight Directors.
TRE 2340: Acting II: Creating Character (5) Offerings
Prerequisite: TRE 1310, 1340, or permission of instructor. Improvisation and scene work exploring the problems of characterization as developed through both internal and external performance techniques. Offered alternate years.
TRE 2350: Theatre Voice (3) Offerings
A study of vocal production as related to the actor's craft. Analysis and exercises designed to promote relaxation, natural breathing, organic vocal production, articulation, phrasing, and projection. Offered alternate years.
TRE 2420: Theatre and Drama: Tragedy (5) Offerings
The nature of tragedy and tragic expression in the theatre as revealed by selected playscripts and theoretical works drawn from the history of Western civilization.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A
TRE 2421: Theatre and Drama: Comedy (5) Offerings
Principle theories of the comic as presented in the theatre and preserved in playscripts drawn from the history of Western civilization.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A
TRE 2733: Scene Painting (3) Offerings
Instruction in the basic scene painting practices and techniques for the stage. Includes blending, spattering, wood, brick, marble, stenciling, and foliage, as well as surface-material preparation. Extra fees for materials and supplies. Offered alternate years.
TRE 2740: Introduction to Lighting and Sound (3) Offerings
Prerequisite: TRE 1720. Introduction to stage lighting and sound, covering theatrical sound equipment, lighting equipment and instruments, and the principles of lighting, and sound design.
TRE 2751: Stage Management (3) Offerings
Prerequisites: TRE 1720 and 1931. Provides an introduction to the roles and duties of the stage manager from pre-production through rehearsal and performance phases of a theatrical production.
TRE 2950: Special Topics in Theatre (1-5) Offerings
Topic and credits to be announced in Time Schedule when offered. Topics offered usually only once, and only upon evidence of significant student interest. Possible topics include great themes of drama, medieval drama, the Asian theatre, theatre architecture, technical theatre, contemporary playwrights and the like. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Restrictions:Non-Matriculated are excluded.
TRE 3321: Elements of Mime (3) Offerings
An introduction to the theory and practice of mime, the language of gesture. Offered alternate years.
TRE 3331: Auditioning (3) Offerings
Prerequisites: TRE 1310 or 1340, and TRE 1810. Offers practical instruction on preparing for a professional audition. Includes strategies for monologue, prepared, and cold reading presentation, and resume preparation, as well as song preparation and execution. Assumes a fundamental understanding of scene preparation and research techniques.
TRE 3340: Acting III: Styles (5) Offerings
Explores analysis and performance techniques for plays of specialized historic and stylistic genre, including scene work drawn from classical, Elizabethan, mannerist, or other dramatic materials. Offered alternate years.
TRE 3710: Play Directing (5) Offerings
Prerequisite: TRE 1810 or permission of instructor. Consideration of the aesthetics and techniques of directing through exercises in achieving visual, auditory, and kinesthetic effects. Includes play selection, organization, casting, and rehearsing. Practical application.
Attributes:Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 3720: Stage Makeup (3) Offerings
An introduction to the techniques and application of stage makeup for straight and corrective character, old age character, fantasy, special character effects, and crepe hair techniques. Extra fees for materials and supplies. Offered alternate years.
TRE 3733: Scene Design and Technical Drawing (5) Offerings
Prerequisite: TRE 1720. An introductory course of scene design with emphasis on analysis and interpretation of the script, use of research material and a developmental process of design. Includes an introduction to and the application of standard practices of drafting. Extra fees for materials and supplies.
Attributes:Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman students are excluded.
TRE 3750: Costume and Period Styles (5) Offerings
An introductory, developmental course with emphasis on analysis and interpretation of the script for costume plot, designer's sketches, and presentation. Also includes a survey of period styles of costume, architecture, ornament, furniture, and its application to stage design. Offered alternate years.
TRE 3780: The Art of Film (5) Offerings
The goal of this course is to develop students' abilities to view films critically and to deepen their understanding of the film experience. The course first teaches analysis of narrative strategies, shot properties, mise-en-scene, editing, acting and the use of sound in film, particularly classical Hollywood cinema. The course then focuses on the study of different genres of films and how they present ideological points of view and fulfill certain wishes of the spectator.
Equivalent Courses:COM 2780, TRE 2780, COM 3780 Attributes:Arts and Humanities A, Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions:Freshman students are excluded.
TRE 3800: Theatre Education (3) Offerings
Explores contemporary methods and trends concerning the role of theatre in elementary teaching. Attention is given to National Arts Standards and Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements in the Arts.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A, Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman students are excluded.
TRE 3930: Performance Practicum (2) Offerings
Offered for performance or directing-related activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A, Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 3931: Production Practicum (2) Offerings
Offered for design, technical theatre, or management activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A, Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4760: Playwriting (5) Offerings
Prerequisite: TRE 2450 or permission of instructor. Seminar discussion and conferences in the writing of actual playscripts. Offered alternate years.
Attributes:Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4770: Creative Drama (3) Offerings
This course will explore methods of using drama as a way of learning in the classroom for all ages, K-12. Students will learn the basic skills of drama and how to incorporate the art form into teaching, as well as provide an outlet for children to express themselves through movement, speech and performing arts.
Attributes:Arts and Humanities A, Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4899: Capstone: The Arts and Religious Experience (5) Offerings
This capstone course in theatre explores the interdependence of theatre and Christian theology and worship. Its primary focus is on theatre and its inter-relationships with religious experience, but explores some aspects of its related arts of music, visual arts, dance and architecture, especially as they relate to religious experience and Christian worship. Included in the course is an opportunity to plan and implement a group worship experience using the arts as an integral part of that worship event.
Attributes:Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4900: Independent Study in Theatre (1-5) Offerings
An independent study plan approved by theatre faculty. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes:Upper-Division Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4911: History of the Theatre I (5) Offerings
Survey of the history of the theatre from preclassical times to 1700, tracing the development and changes in theater architecture, social purpose, the role of the theatre artist and the nature of theatrical experience.
Attributes:Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4913: History of the Theatre II (5) Offerings
Survey of the history of the theatre from 1700 to contemporary times, tracing development and changes in theater architecture, social purpose, the role of the theatre artist and the nature of theatrical experience.
Attributes:Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions:Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4930: Theatre Practicum (1-3) Offerings
For advanced students who wish to assist as peer academic mentors in UCOR 1000 courses. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.
TRE 4943: Theatre Internship (1-5) Offerings
Prerequisites: 15 credits of B or better work in theatre; an internship plan approved by the theatre faculty. Supervised application of theatre skills in the marketplace. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes:Upper-Division Restrictions:Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4950: Special Topics in Theatre (1-5) Offerings
Topic and credits to be announced in Time Schedule when offered. Topics offered usually only once, and only upon evidence of significant student interest. Possible topics include great themes of drama, medieval drama, the Asian theatre, theatre makeup, theatre architecture, technical theatre, contemporary playwrights, advanced stagecraft and the like. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes:Upper-Division Restrictions:Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4951: Special Topics in Theatre (1-5) Offerings
Special Topics in Theatre
TRE 4961: Senior Project in Theatre (1-3) Offerings
Individual research and conferences in area of specialization within the theatre discipline, culminating in the presentation of a project. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes:Upper-Division Restrictions:Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.


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