Results not Rhetoric (Rankin)

The author suggests ways to increase the percentage of women faculty in the sciences as one example of how the campus might approach cultivating diversity within its community. Some recommended methods include enlarging search pools and engaging in broad searches; ensure that shortlists have female candidates; and require search committees to take classes on unconscious bias.

Achieving a Smoke Free Campus (Mitton)

The author calls for tougher enforcement of the campus’s existing no smoking policy.

Social Integration in an Academic Community: Metacognition and Cross-Campus Collaboration (SASC & SUEP co-authors)

The authors propose using metacognition via self-reflection to create positive relationships between and among faculty, advisors, other mentors, and students, resulting in increased affinity and retention.

Proposal to Create a Contemplative Resource Center at CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ (Cejudo, Daily, Eklund et al)

Dec. 13, 2017

The authors propose creating a Contemplative Resource Center that would offer a variety of contemplative practices to serve students, faculty, and staff and that would make CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ a leader in offering resources that help to create tomorrow’s impactful leaders.

Building a Culture of Partnership: Staff and Operations of the College of Arts & Sciences (A&S Staff Advisory Committee 2017-18)

The authors recommend a series of updates to action items that will empower staff as working partners with faculty and administration within the College of Arts & Sciences.

2016-17 Listening Lunches Executive Summary (Walker/Chancellor’s Committee for Women 2016-17)

The authors submit eight proposals to improve the workplace experience of women on the CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ campus.

Alleviating Systemic Abuse and Additional Afflictions at CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ (North)

The author recommends that CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ study the positional power that appointing authorities have on the campus and the impact of their use of this power, with an eye toward developing an institution-level intervention aimed at enforcing behavioral accountability.

The Social Model of Disability at CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ (Griffin, Meister, Mora)

The authors propose a social model of disability that engages students in the interactive process, encourages self-advocacy and promotes a collaborative campus approach to supporting students with disabilities.

Integrating public engagement into the culture of CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ (Sommer, et al.)

The authors revisit recommendations for integrating public engagement into scholarship across the campus.

Building Community via a Recording Space (Schwartz)

The author argues that the university could create a stronger sense of creative agency for students by creating a recording studio where students could collaborate on multi-media projects outside of class.
