Published: Dec. 22, 2023

COL David Ray at podium as the guest speaker, sitting to his left is SFC Jacob Thompson and LTC Lynae Place. Photo courtesy of the Golden Buffalo Battalion.

COL David Ray at podium as the guest speaker, sitting to his left is SFC Jacob Thompson and LTC Lynae Place. Photo courtesy of the Golden Buffalo Battalion.

The Army ROTC Department commissioned another five Cadets for the fall 2023 semester. The traditional ceremony was held in the CASE building on the CU-«Ƶ campus on Friday, December 22nd at 10:00 a.m. A zoom link was supplied to those friends and family members that were unable to attend in person.

All commissioning events are managed by two designated Cadet leaders. Cadet Claire Fleckenstein (MSIII) and Cadet Marley Pethica (MSII) were the organizers of the days event. The AROTC A-Company Senior Assistant Professor of Military Science (SrAPMS), Captain Chris Head was the officer in charge. The Introductions and Invocation were performed by CPT Head. The guest speaker for the event was Colonel (Retired) David Ray.

The Cadets were then officially sworn in as Second Lieutenants with the Oath of Office. CPT Chris Head was asked to administer the Oath to three of the commissionees, the remaining selected a friend or family member to administer their Oath. Friends and family assisted the 2LTs by pinning on their rank to their uniform. And the traditional first “Silver Dollar Salute” was given by SFC Jacob Thompson.

The five Cadets that are now officially Second Lieutenant’s in the United States Army, are as follows (alphabetical order):
1.    2LT Wyatt Bohren – from Colorado Springs, Colorado, majored in Economics/History and commissioned into Adjutant General
2.    2LT Evan Kistler – from Ventura, California, majored in Integrative Physiology and commissioned into Medical Services
3.    2LT Ryan Kowalczyk – from Forest Hill, Maryland, majored in Business Administration and commissioned into Signal +
4.    2LT Courtney Lucas – from Indianapolis, Indiana, majored in History and commissioned into Field Artillery *+
5.    2LT Isaac Mun – from Colorado Springs, Colorado, majored in Integrative Physiology and commissioned into Signal

* Distinguished Military Graduate – Cadet Command Selected
+ Distinguished Military Student – GBB PMS Selected (LTC Bryce Kawaguchi)

Congratulations to our new Second Lieutenants. May your new experiences with the U.S. Army be as rich and fulfilling as they were here at CU-«Ƶ.

 2LT Isaac Mun, 2LT Evan Kistler, 2LT Ryan Kowalczyk, 2LT Wyatt Bohren, and 2LT Courtney Lucas. Photo courtesy of the Golden Buffalo Battalion.

Army ROTC Fall 2023 Commissionees [from left to right]: 2LT Isaac Mun, 2LT Evan Kistler, 2LT Ryan Kowalczyk, 2LT Wyatt Bohren, and 2LT Courtney Lucas. Photo courtesy of the Golden Buffalo Battalion.