
Donors, scholarship recipients say awards benefit both parties

Feb. 27, 2019

‘Because of you, I’ve gotten the opportunity to really experiment and create freely,’ student tells benefactors.


'Urgent Elements' focuses lens on eco-video from Southeast Asia

Feb. 7, 2019

This spring, four acclaimed video artists from Vietnam and Cambodia are traveling to the «Ƶ to take part in an immersive art program—in the hopes of taking a cross-disciplinary look at environmental issues.


Art of the Americas is focus of new PhD program

Jan. 29, 2019

Art history will be investigated through a non-colonial lens in a new Arts of the Americas PhD program at the «Ƶ.


Once a frontier discipline, digital arts now well established at CU «Ƶ

Dec. 10, 2018

People once spoke of “building the bike as we were trying to ride it.” Today, digital artists are defining the art as they create it, said Mark Amerika, founder of TECHNE Lab at CU «Ƶ.


There’s an art to helping students become citizens of the world

Nov. 28, 2018

First-Year Seminar taught by art professors aims to help students broaden their horizons even beyond the realm of art,


‘What does this art mean?’ students muse. You tell me, prof replies

Sept. 28, 2018

CU «Ƶ art history students deepen learning through ‘object-based learning.’


Erasing borders through art near Korea's demilitarized zone

June 14, 2018

As he’s done so many times before, George Rivera will pack up 117 pieces of art into a suitcase and board a plane heading to a place where rifles can seem more common than paintbrushes.


Wave of good will and art helps heal flood-ravaged Jamestown

April 20, 2018

Artists, engineers, designers, chefs, elementary school students and teachers do not often work together. But Martha Russo, art instructor at the «Ƶ, has found a way to get all sorts of people involved in a public art project centered on building a picnic table.


Printmaker finds inspiration in students, global connections

Nov. 1, 2017

It’s been many years since Melanie Yazzie made the painting that set the course of her career. But the CU «Ƶ professor vividly remembers the joy she felt the day she painted a blue elephant.


Professors of distinction discuss distinguished careers

Oct. 5, 2017

Newly minted professors of distinction have notable expertise in artists’ personas, natural-language technology, classic poems and climate-change education, and on Sept. 21, they offered a public overview of their work.
