- A team of students in the Audio Frequency Lab designed and built the Collaborator multi-player synthesizer, taking home top honors at this year's Synthux International Synth Design Hackathon.
- The Living Matter Lab pursues a deeper understanding of alternative perspectives on temporality through a surprising medium: kombucha SCOBY.
- The 2023 Experimental Weaving Residency, featuring Elizabeth Meiklejohn, has left us with new understandings about electromagnetics and cloth movement.
- Utility Research Lab director Michael Rivera uses surprising materials to fabricate useful objects.
- The National Science Foundation’s CAREER award is among the most prestigious honors supporting junior faculty doing outstanding work integrating research and education toward a meaningful social impact. The CAREER award is highly competitive and is
- Biodesign researcher Fiona Bell says that anyone, anywhere can grow their own clothing right from their kitchens. You start by brewing a batch of kombucha.