Published: Nov. 1, 2012


After much time spent organizing our media assets and splicing audio, we’re ready to perform a few tests in Korsakow. Because of a small glitch, we’re opting to use the Beta version (and to become Beta testers).

Our process today consisted of first creating assets from the audio and stills we have. Using video seems the best way to match content to context, though we will likely test out other possibilities and combinations. Working with Korsakow is highly iterative. We’re constantly toggling between the interface and the preview mode, making adjustments, problem-solving, redirecting, and so on. Being two sets of eyes on this is proving very useful – Eric and mine’s attention seems to be grabbed by different parts of the project, which come together in a very complementary way.

Some preliminary questions specific to our project, and things we’ve noted about the software:

  • the video could be of much better quality than the suggested settings point to currently. The Web seems to handle video much better now, and so we’re going to try to push the quality up a little.
  • could Korsakow eventually handle HD?
  • a mobile-friendly version is in the works – important!
  • will Korsakow eventually be able to handle links? does it already? to be explored…
  • we’re imagining a slideshow options but are unsure of our needs at this moments
  • is there a way to make a SNU appear at the end of another – continuity – linearity – or is this anti-Korsakow?
  • what could be done with PDFs/text – pull quotes?
  • what to do with films for which we only have the audio (no visuals)
  • how to archive silent films for which we don’t have the rights to visuals

Tips/things to remember:

  • setting the playhead to “interactive” – it’s not, by default
  • duplicate a SNU if you want it to be a start SNU but also a SNU with a preview that you can see again
  • there’s an invisible (?) glitch when setting the timecode for a SNU using the automatic way – makes the SNU switch order!

Helpful resources:

  • Dayna’s awesome performance of Korsakow: .
  • The Korsakow 

That’s it for now. Prototype (of 3 SNU) should be good to go next week.