Published: May 6, 2014

The Center for Asian Studies is pleased to announce our Spring 2014 graduates!

Sharon Chang is graduating with a dual degree in the College of Arts & Sciences, majoring in Asian Studies and Japanese, and in the Leeds School of Business, where she studied Marketing and Management. This semester, she has been working on a project with Professor Miriam Kingsberg in the Department of History entitled, “Fresh-Faced Boys and the Cute Boy Next Door: The Evolution and Splintering of Masculinities in Japan through the Examination of Men’s Fashion Magazines ‘Men’s Non-no’ and ‘Fine Boys.’”

Oranoons Ghiasy is graduating with a degree in Asian Studies. For her senior thesis, she worked with Professor Mithi Mukherjee of the Department of History on a project entitled, “The Tradition of Sati in India.”

Joshua Griswold is graduating with a dual major in Asian Studies and Chinese. He worked with Professor William Wei of the Department of History on a project entitled, “A Fight for the Right: An Analysis of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Island Dispute and the Possibility of Military Escalation.”

Kelsey Reed is graduating with a triple major in Asian Studies, Chinese, and International Affairs and Foreign Studies. This semester, she has been working with Tracy Jennings, Senior Instructor in the Leeds School of Business, a project entitled, “An Examination of Chinese Labor Laws and the Issues of Implementation.”

Anthony Borgia is graduating with a major in Chinese and a minor in Asian Studies.

Each of the majors will give presentations at tomorrow’s graduation ceremony on their senior thesis projects. They will be joined by two students who will graduate at the end of summer. Bri Duke will present on her project, “The Presence of Homosexuality in Japanese Culture: Pre- and Post-Western Interaction,” which she is writing under the supervision of Professor William Wei of the Department of History. Dennis Morin will present the project on which he has been working with Professor John Willis of the Department of History, entitled, “Growing Apart: Development and the Reconstruction of Beirut.”

We are very much looking forward to each of these presentations as we bid farewell to our graduating students.

Congratulations to these and all the Spring 2014 graduates of the «Ƶ!