Victor E.ÌýSaouma
- Professor Emeritus
- Cornell University, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, September 1980
- Cornell University, M.E. in Civil Engineering, January 1977
- American University of Beirut, B.E. in Civil Engineering, June 1975
- Finite Element modeling of concrete
- Fracture Mechanics
- Experimental and Computational Mechanics Modeling of concrete deterioration
- Dam Engineering
- Large scale Laboratory Testing
Recent Publications:
- Hariri-Ardebili, M.A.. and Seyed-Kolbadi, S,M. and Saoumaa, V.E. and Salamon, J. and Rajagopalan, B. (2018) Random Finite Element Method for the Seismic Analysis of Gravity Dams, Vol. 71, pp. 405-420. .
- Liaudata,J. and Carol, I. and Lopez, C. and Saouma, V. (2018) ASR Expansions in Concrete under Triaxial Confinement Cement and Concrete Composites, Feb., pp 160-170
- Saouma, V. and Hariri-Ardebili, and Merz, C. (2018) Risk-Informed Condition Assessment of a Bridge with Alkali Aggregate Reaction, ACI Structures Journal, Vol. 115, pp. 475-487.
- Hariri-Ardebili, M. and Saouma, V (2018) Random Response Spectrum Analysis of Gravity Dam Classes: Simplified, Practical and Fast Approach, EERI Spectra.
- Hariri-Ardebili, M. and Saouma, V (2017) Single and Multi-Hazard Capacity Func- tions for Concrete Dams, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 101, pp 234–249
- Saouma, V. and Hariri-Ardebili, (2018) Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of AAR Affected Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls, Engineering Structures V. 172, pp. 334-345.
- Saouma, V. and Hariri-Ardebili, M. and Le Pape Y. and Balaji, R. (2016) Effect of Alkali-Silica Reaction on the Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Struc- tural Members. A Numerical and Statistical Study, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 310, pp. 295-310.
- Hariri-Ardebili, M. and Saouma, V. (2016) Seismic Fragility Analysis of Concrete Dams; A State-of-the-Art Review, Engineering Structures, Vol. 128, pp. 374-399. .
- Hariri-Ardebili, M. and Saouma, V. (2016) Sensitivity and Uncertainty Quantification- tion of the Cohesive Crack Model Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 155, pp. 18-35
- Saouma, V.E. and Martin, R. and Hariri-Ardebili, M. and Katayama, T.(2015) A Math- ematical Model for the Kinetics of the Alkali Silica Chemical Reaction, Cement