Published: Feb. 18, 2019


Monday, February 18th, 2019

6:00 PM. in Hellems 211

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Victoria, Hayden, Maya, Josh, Anuja, Jhossep, Jessica, Julisa, Monica, Sowmya, Christina F., Christina R., Chidera, Mavjuda, Erin, Christina C., Jemil, Ashley, Sandra, Niko, Skylar, Maddie (late)


Excused: Nora, Helen, Isabelle


  1. Fun Activity :)

  1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. Social Media Coordinator Elections

      1. Victor

      2. Julisa

      3. Josh

    2. Budgetary Members

      1. Christina F.

      2. Maya

      3. Jessica

      4. Monica

      5. Victoria

      6. Jemil

      7. Josh

      8. Anuja

      9. Niko

  1. Old Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” Feb. 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm - Jessica

        1. Advertising

          1. Great social media presence - did a countdown to their event with information about performers

          2. Amazing

          3. Tabling in the UMC everyday

          4. They put centerpieces on tables (table tents)

            1. Gave to UMC to market

          5. General community members were advertising as well

        2. Content

          1. There was a lot of variety in performances, so the pacing of the event was really good

          2. The video skit this year was very dramatic

            1. End of his seat dramatic

          3. Posted contend post event

          4. Amount of work put in was impressive and amazing

          5. Videos of students practicing in their performances

          6. Spoke in Vietnamese

            1. Did National Anthem

        3. Logistics

          1. Started 20 minutes late, but because there was a still a line of people waiting to get in

          2. Main performers (Hue Thy & Will Jay) performed very late in the evening; a good number of the audience had already left

          3. Huge logistics issue with food

            1. Standing in food line for 15 minutes

          4. Students could bow after they finish

            1. They deserve applause and appreciation

          5. Gave out surveys! Did a great job!


          7. They bought apparel with CEB money

            1. Only fund for culturally relevant costumes

            2. $800 in apparel

            3. We did deny funding for t-shirts

          8. Let’s clarify that we cannot fund for sweatshirts or t-shirts

            1. Can ask examples of costumes they are thinking abut

        4. Future

          1. Maybe plan to have main acts perform earlier in the evening

          2. Maybe have a English translator in the future

          3. Restructure how food was distributed. Maybe it would be more efficient if students served the food

          4. We did not approve funding for hoodies or apparel for organizations. This should have been approved by the board prior to purchases.

            1. Let’s clarify that we cannot fund for sweatshirts or t-shirts

            2. Can ask examples of costumes they are thinking about

      2. Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese Lunar New Year” - February 16th @ Lower Gym at 4:30pm-10:30pm - Christina F. and Ashley

        1. Advertising

          1. They posted posters without any of the edits that we sent

          2. There seemed to be no social media presence regarding the advertising for the event

          3. They tabled the week before the event advertising for it, and I did see posters along the UMC

          4. They approached people with leaflets and candy

          5. Posters in the Business School

            1. Really uncommon to have posters in Business School

        2. Content

          1. The variety of games and cultural activities were really fun and interesting. You had to play them with other people so, you got the chance to meet new people.

          2. They gave out booklets that explained the cultural importance of the games and activities both in Chinese and English. The stamps were a good way to get people involved in the event.

          3. They had a variety of performances that were culturally relevant

        3. Logistics

          1. Loved how there was a Chinese speaker and an English translator

          2. There were points where it was extremely dark in the room for the performances but, the games and activities were still going on so it was hard to really have both occurring at the same time

          3. Food safety was really good. People were serving the food with gloves and face masks and all of the food had heaters underneath.

            1. Portion sizes of food were super generous!

          4. It looked like 80% community members based on my observation. It was a good place to be though, if you were from China and missing home.

          5. They were mostly done with rehearsals by the time that the event started

          6. The food line was confusing cause there were on and off again times where the food line was open and closed.

          7. They did have prizes and a raffle prize they were giving out. We did advise them to not use any of the money we gave them for prizes, so I am not sure how they paid for the prizes.

          8. Everyone who came to the event definitely took the survey, but they took it before the event, not at the end, which defeats the purpose of the survey.

            1. A lot of responses on surveys! Results showed around 47% of students attended, 29% staff/faculty, and 24% community

          9. Location was nice because people would check out the event after working out

          10. There were not a lot of people manning activities, people would eat at tables

        4. Future

          1. Have translations for trash cans, recycling, and compost

          2. Must change the poster according to CEB standards and comments

          3. We will need to set a precedent about how we want to treat organizations where the communication and their ability to follow CEB guidelines is poor, but their event is both culturally relevant and has a lot of people attending.

          4. We also need to decide as a Board how we feel about funding events that are majority community members. Charging community members in the future would be a suggestion.

          5. Liaisons must be careful and instruct organizations for people to fill out surveys for after the event

          6. Loved how there was a Chinese speaker and an English translator

          7. Food was amazing

            1. Doing outside catering was a good option

          8. Might want to start charging community members

            1. We can require that

      3. CU «Ƶ Asian Studies Graduate Association “CUBASGA Conference” February 15th Norlin Library 5th Floor: British and Irish Room Norlin Library - 16th @ Hellems 247 & 252 - Niko and Jemil

        1. Advertising

          1. Some online presence on FB

          2. Other than that, no advertising

        2. Content

        3. Logistics

        4. Future

          1. Liaisons please put organizations events in calendars

          2. Support the events members!

          3. Organization is very communicative and easy to work with

          4. Advertise more via posters/social media

      4. Sigma Psi Zeta “Culture Shock” Feb. 16th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 7pm- Skylar and Isabelle

        1. Advertising

          1. I loved the poster although it didn’t really give an indication of what the event was about but I think that’s because they’re not quite sure what it’s truly about either I saw it in a few buildings

          2. I didn’t see them table but I’m not in the UMC much, they had fb pages for both their auditions and the event itself

          3. They tabled!

          4. A lot of advertising in Asian Student Orgs

            1. More inclusionary

        2. Content

          1. The performances were quality, Ruby Ibarra KILLED IT.

          2. Kingsley was really short and that was commented on by several people. The students that were there did a great job

          3. The video for the stepping performance was at odds with the performance itself, but maybe that was just me. I also just got the feeling that they were checking boxes for diversity, even Kingsley made a comment about how he was a diversity pick.

          4. His set was centered around Culture Shock

            1. Tied in theme of the event into his stand up

            2. Was amazing

          5. Stepping Performance

            1. Video explaining some of the purpose of dancing in slavery

            2. Did not embrace the culture they said

            3. Misleading and disrespectful

          6. Felt like the event was checking boxes

            1. Trying to cover a number of different cultures where there was no knowledge

          7. Photo Booth with tapestry of African Woman with Tree

            1. Quite inappropriate and offensive

          8. Food

            1. Checked off boxes

            2. East and South Asia

        3. Logistics

          1. It seemed to be mostly students at the event but there were not that many people in attendance. We only got three surveys. There were little to no community members. Also they were taking donations without contacting me or the board about doing so. I asked them to shut it down and they did. Further updates are pending. In addition they had a photo booth present which in and of itself was not an issue but decided to include the African woman tapestry that we specifically asked them to remove. It was asked that they take it down and they did.

            1. Did not need the entire Glenn Miller Ballroom

            2. Most attendance was fraternity and sorority members

            3. Should have advertised to other student groups

          2. Surveys were not advertised well. There were two screens on opposite sides of GMB that had the link, but no emphasis was put on looking at them and taking time out to fill out survey

          3. Was not verification over a donation box

            1. Great cause

            2. No communication

          4. 3 Responses to surveys

            1. Never brought up filling out the survey

        4. Future

          1. I think this event could be much more popular if it had a clear intention, I hope for next year they can work to improve this aspect of their proposal. I feel like they need to advertise more heavily to improve attendance especially considering the budget amount that was proposed.

          2. Please reach out to more student orgs and be inclusionary, we thought this was the purpose of the event and we found that you did not contact many organizations outside of Asian Student Organizations

          3. The step performance was out of context, misleading and disrespectful. It did not embody the culture it said it would represent

          4. In the future, CEB member will be involved in approving performances

          5. There was an offensive tapestry regarding an African woman

            1. We said the tapestries were inappropriate and yet they were still there

            2. Quite inappropriate and offensive

          6. Do not have to specifically represent cultures in regards to food

            1. Event does not have to have food

          7. Title of the event

            1. Helping them in advertising

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

        1. Update

          1. Have event up on FB, but with no poster (just a pic of Nepalese Student Association)

          2. Liaison (Kushal) said that they would be sending a poster at some point

      2. Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Julisa

        1. Update:

          1. They changed some of the events around (not the panel)

          2. 2/4 speakers confirmed

  1. Fifth Funding Cycle:

    1. CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel - Nickey and Ashley

      1. Update: Meeting with Jamey on Monday, February 25th

      2. Poster up in the Chem Building (1)

    2. Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

      1. Update: Going to contact Jamey to set up a meeting

      2. Touch base in case they have not communicated change in date of the event

    3. Persian Student Organization “Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center - Jessica and Julisa

      1. Update: waiting for a response from Jamey

    4. Middle Eastern Student Association “Multicultural Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Julisa and Christina F.

      1. Update: Still waiting for a response from Jamey

      2. The name is now The MESA Fashion Showzzz

        1. Similar to what they did last semester

        2. Problem concerning different opinions

        3. Speaker will be talking about the importance of hijabs

      3. Talk to org in person with concerns

      4. Discussion:

        1. Cannot fund the same or a similar event twice in a year, against bylaws

    5. Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt - Chidera and Sowmya

      1. Update: Send the org an email telling them they have received an additional $2000

    6. International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Isabelle

      1. Update: Trying to set up time for funding meeting with Jamey

    7. Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

      1. Update: in the process of setting up a meeting with Jamey (tentatively Wednesday)

    8. CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

      1. Update: Did meet with them due to the nature of the contract

        1. Contract is in the process

        2. Comedy Club needs to reach out to liaisons, hopefully communication happens in a week

    9. Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

      1. Update: Had meeting with Jamey on last Thursday. Went really well! Looking forward to working with this group.

      2. They are changing their food selection, to what I believe is catering, but still Haitian food, which is what we voted for in reference to culture relevancy.

    10. VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

      1. Updates: Attempting to find a time to meet with Jamey currently. I gave them over ten times in which I was available, and they have not yet confirmed a time.

      2. Great communication though!

    11. African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec -

Nora and Helen

  1. Updates: Emailed ASA and let them know about how much money they were allocated and we have yet to receive a response. Sent a follow up email.

  1. Officer Reports

  1. Advisor(s)

    1. Follow CSI on social media

    2. Christina will be oficial adviser next week!

    3. Gratitude Week! Events Here: /orientation/days-gratitude

    4. February - Black History Month

    5. March - Herstory Month

    6. Engineering Week

    7. Health Professions Expo this Thursday from 11 - 4, February 21st

      1. For those interested in health professions

      2. Look business professional and bring a resume

    8. Christina

      1. On Campus Job

        1. Next Monday, 3-6

      2. CSI also hiring

      3. Hiring grad if you know anybody from grad

  2. Leg Council

    1. Budget hearings next Thursday!

    2. Philanthropy Chair for Sorority Pi Beta Phi on March 9th, 11am -2pm

  3. CUSG Liaison

    1. No updates

    2. Budgetary Process

  4. Webmaster

    1. Please send me pics and bio. My email is: Some things to say: Year, major, where you’re from, role in CEB, when and why you joined CEB, how you found out about CEB, what you’re involved in on campus, etc. Please make this long if possible. Check out the ones on the page now. People can choose their headshots, which can be found under Webmaster under headshots. Choose 2-3 photos of yourself.

    2. Next next meeting dress professionally

  5. Social Media Coordinator


    2. SPEECH

  6. Student Outreach Coordinator

    1. Redid surveys!

  7. Speakers Coordinator

    1. VD poster has been sent out by Christina for critique

    2. Trying to reserve a place for reception at the moment

    3. No new updates on TB

    4. IC responded back with confirmation that she will INDEED be available for March 14th.

      1. Will be sending out an email to her to see what she would be comfortable talking about on campus as well as will open up to the board.

        1. Email to follow

  8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator


    2. Screening of The Reckoning on February 27th, 2019 from 6-9 in HUMN 150, Next Wednesday. Please be there! This is considered a board event so your attendance is important! Please reach out to me if you are unable to make it. Here’s the for new members and people who were absent the day I showed it.

    3. The is live so please share on Facebook and invite everyone you know!

    4. I will schedule the screening later this week for VD!

    5. New members - reach out to me if you have interest in becoming the Assistant Speakers Coordinator for next year! I know we didn’t get to cover what I do at retreat so, if you want to learn more about my position, let me know!

  9. Marketing Coordinator

    1. Worked on press release for VD

      1. + some logistics for TB

    2. Congratulations to whoever became the new Social Media Coordinator! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about the job.

      1. Thank you :) -julisa

  10. Secretary/Historian

    1. Below is an Office Schedule for each person to fill their schedules out. I have allocated 3 weeks for people to finalize their schedules. I would really appreciate if you would all select a time for CEB. It is required that people allocate 30 minutes each week.

    2. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about the Secretary position!

    3. Welcome, New Sunshine Faces! So incredibly happy to have you.

  11. Chair

    1. Had a meeting with finance board past Wednesday

    2. I will be gone next week

    3. Mission Statement Committee is directly after this meeting!

    4. New budgetary members are….. Christina F. and Jessica!!!

  1. Adjourn

    1. 8:41pm

Board Contact Information

  1. Anuja - (970)-449-2336

  2. Ashley - (720)-345-2583 - Budgetary

  3. Chidera - (720)-364-0652 - Budgetary

  4. Christina F. - (630)- 624-1789 - Budgetary

  5. Christina R. - (719)-439-8356 - Budgetary

  6. Erin - (970)-397-9461 - Advisor

  7. Hayden - (720)-254-2368 - Budgetary

  8. Helen - (650)-759-5756 - Budgetary

  9. Isabelle - (505)-414-3631

  10. Jemil - (720)-532-5521

  11. Jessica - (720)-999-1656 - Budgetary

  12. Jhossep - (970)-691-0556

  13. Josh - (512)-968-1056‬

  14. Julisa - (720)-401-2625 - Budgetary

  15. Maddie - (970)-690-2467- Budgetary

  16. Mavjuda - (720)-308-4027 - Budgetary

  17. Maya - (817)-584-6060

  18. Monica - (720)-980-7324‬

  19. Nickey - (720)-519-6851- Budgetary

  20. Niko - (303)-564-3760

  21. Nora - (303)-968-4716- Budgetary

  22. Sandra - ‭(303)-263-2696‬

  23. Skylar - (719)-291-0520- Budgetary

  24. Sowmya - (201)-367-8289

  25. Victor - (719)-290-0886

  26. Victoria - (720)-243-3525

Hi Sunshine Faces!

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! Monday was a short and fast meeting, good job for finishing early. Thank you to all members and officers who stayed post meeting discuss the new mission statement. Look forward to reviewing the new mission statement and having Christina R. as the Chair proxy next week! In addition, Game Night will be hosted after Monday’s meeting. Email Christina R. with any suggestions for games. Below is a copy of this week’s Minutes.

First, welcome new members! We are so excited and incredibly happy you are now a part of CEB. We look forward to our future together. In addition, my warmest congratulations to Julisa who is now our Social Media Coordinator! Jessica and Christina F. are now budgetary members! Congratulations.

Important information from Erin and Christina C. This week is Gratitude Week, you can find a list of the events below. Follow CSI on social media! Erin will also be out of town next week, so Christina will be the advisor. For those interested in health professions, there is a Health Professions Expo on Thursday, February 21st from 11am - 4pm. Dress nicely and bring a resume. On Campus Job Fair 3pm - 6pm next Monday!

Gratitude Week

For Nickey, all new members and select few who have not sent their bios, please do so by next Monday! You can send the bio to Your bio can cover year, major, where you are from, role in CEB, when and why you joined CEB, how you found out about CEB, what you are involved in on campus, etc. Please make this long if possible. Check out the ones on the page now. People can choose their headshots, which can be found under Webmaster under headshots. Choose 2-3 photos of yourself. New members can choose your headshot after professional pictures are taken, which is next next Monday on March 3rd.

Below is an Office Schedule for each person to fill their schedules out. I would really appreciate if you would all select a time for CEB. It is required that people allocate 30 minutes each week.

Happy late Birthday to Nora!!! We hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Here is an organized list for upcoming events that you can put on your calendar!

  • Screening of The Reckoning on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 from 6-9 in HUMN 150.

    • Please be there! This is considered a board event so your attendance is important! Please reach out to Mavjuda and Nora if you are unable to make it.

    • Here’s the for new members and people who were absent the day I showed it.

  • Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

  • Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Julisa

  • CHEMunity “A Night with Marie Curie” April 4th @ Old Main Chapel - Nickey and Ashley

  • Creative Writing Association “Poetry Month Performer Series” April 4th @ Club 156 - Sowmya and Skylar

  • Persian Student Organization “Norouz” April 5th @ Williams Village Dining Center - Jessica and Julisa

  • Middle Eastern Student Association “Multicultural Fashion Show” April 5th @ UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom - Julisa and Christina F.

  • Sikh Student Association “Sikh Week” April 8th-12th @ UMC, Norlin Quad, Norlin Fountains, & Kitt - Chidera and Sowmya

  • International Festival Committee “IFest” April 14th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom and UMC 235 - Ashley and Isabelle

  • Students for Sensible Drug Policy “2019 Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium” April 17th @ Wolf Law - Victor and Christina R.

  • CU Comedy Club “Speaker” April 19th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Skylar and Jessica

  • Graduate Musicology Society “Haitian-Creole Music and Culture with Speakers” April 19th @ Old Main Chapel and Koenig Alumni Center - Hayden and Helen

  • VeRVE Collisionz “12th Annual VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” April 20th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom - Jemil and Hayden

  • African Student Association “Tour of Africa” April 20th @ Lower Rec - Nora and Helen

Thank you are for your time. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! I typically have the meeting notes sent late Monday night/early early Tuesday morning. I apologize for the inconvenience as it has been a busy week. New members, this is what the meeting notes look like; this is however, admittedly, shorter than usual. Goodnight, Sunshine Faces!


Hayden Johnson