van Vliet
- In2005a trailer slated for the dumpwas transportedto Mapleton Mobile Home Park in «Ƶ and renovatedthere.Built by more than 50 CU «Ƶ students, the Trailer Wrap projectheldlessons for future project-based learning, including a CEDaR-led manufactured home renovation planned for this summer or fall, depending on the state of the pandemic.
- For the past 12 years Growing Up «Ƶ wasa part ofCU «Ƶ's Community Engagement, Design and Research (CEDaR) Center. Now one of the most successful child-friendly city initiatives in the world, GUB istransitioning to an independentnonprofit, a model for how theuniversitycan develop, nurture and then spin offnonprofitactivities.
- Growing Up «Ƶ and the city of «Ƶ, Colorado, are actively involving all stakeholders to make it a child- and youth-friendly city.
- Professors Emeriti in CEDaR, Louise Chawla and Willem van Vliet, co-authored a chapter on “Children’s Rights to Child-friendly Cities," which was published in the latest edition of the Handbook of Children’s Rights (Routledge, 2017).