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CU dialogue series builds bridges across ideological differences

Matt Burgess

The Benson Center is partnering with a group of CU students, staff and faculty, led by Dr. Matthew Burgess, to organize a dialogue series aimed at building empathy and understanding across political and other divisions. The group meets Fridays from noon to 1 p.m. on Zoom. The kickoff meeting is Friday, Aug. 27, 2021. The group welcomes CU people and the larger community from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Questions? Email Matt Burgess.

Dr. Burgess, who received the inaugural Heterodox Academic Teachiing Award in 2020 "for the educator who has most effectively integrated open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, or constructive disagreement into the classroom and/or curriculum," is co-author of the blog  . Burgess, a Benson Center 2021-22 faculty fellow, is an assistant professor in the Environmental Studies Program, a faculty affiliate in Economics, and a fellow at the Cooperative Institute in Environmental Sciences (CIRES).