Hyun Han
Fall 2009

Keum Hyun Han received her PhD in Visual Art at Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, S. Korea 2007. The title of her PhD dissertation is Study on the Paradigm Shift of Korean Contemporary Photography. Based on her studies, Han organized “39(2)”, Korean contemporary photography exhibition (Seoul, 2008) just before she came to the Film Studies in CU at «Ƶ. Han also organized many exhibitions such as “The Voyeurs” (Seoul, 2007), “Conflict of Images” (Seoul, 2007) and participated in “Fast Forward” (Frankfurt, 2005), “Comical & Cynical” (Osaka 2007, Seoul 2008), “Platform Seoul 2008: I have nothing to say but I am saying it” (Seoul, 2008), etc. Han will introduce contemporary Korean art to the CU campus and she will also contribute to exchange programs and exhibitions between CU and S. Korea. Her research interests include the exploration of the boundary between photography and moving images. She is interested in the representation of time and space in photography and the moving image and while in the US she will develop materials for exchanges and exhibitions. Han’s three-year research plan in Film Studies is expected to focus on diverse cultural issues as expressed through both the medium of photography and that of the moving image.
