student recognition

  • King-Hill Fellow in the Teaching of Latin:The King-Hill award was established o commemorate the work of Joy King, professor emerita and former chair of our department, and Barbara Hill, who for may years served as Latin program coordinator. 
  • cover image from Apuleius Golden Ass
    Congratulations to Elizabeth Deacon, winner of this year’s Mary E. V. McClanahan Graduate Essay Prize. Elizabeth is fourth-year PhD student working on Apuleius. She receives the $1500 prize for her essay “Diotima and Isis: The
  • Congratulations to the 2016 Dwyer Translation Prize Winnners! This year's Dwyer Latin Translation Prize Winner is Susan Niederhoff, Astrophysics major and Classics minor. Susan won the prize for her translation of lines 390-405 of Book 9 of Vergil's
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