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Braddock Peak Named for Prof

braddock peak

Fred Barnard (PhDGeol’68) stands in front of Braddock Peak, which is 11,960 feet tall and was named in honor of professor emeritus William Braddock.

After spending his life making maps of Colorado’s Front Range, professor emeritus William Braddock now appears in them.

Braddock Peak, north of Rocky Mountain National Park, honors the geology professor who taught at CU from 1958-94 and died in 2003. Named in September, the peak stands in the area covered by the popular Geologic Map of Rocky Mountain National Park that Braddock co-authored with former student and current USGS scientist Jim Cole (PhDGeol’77) in 1990.

“He, along with his students, mapped most of the Front Range as we know it,” USGS research geologist Neil Fishman (Geol’78, MS’81) says. “His contribution is significant.”