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10 Renowned Conference on World Affairs Speakers

list of 10 image

10 Past Conference on World Affairs Speakers and Panelists

1) Roger Ebert (HonDocHum’93), American film critic and screenwriter

2) Eleanor Roosevelt, activist and former first lady of the United States

3) Ted Turner, founder of CNN

4) Annie Leibovitz, American portrait photographer

5) Steve Wozniak (ElEngr ex’72, HonDocSci’89), technology entrepreneur who co-founded Apple Inc.

6) Arianna Huffington, co-founder and former editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post

7) Joe Biden, 47th vice president of the United States and former United States Senator

8) Rachel Maddow, American television host and political commentator

9) Ralph Nader, American political activist, author and attorney

10) Henry Kissinger, served as National Security Advisor and United States Secretary of State

For more information on this year's conference, please visit the CWA website .