In AugustClara Straight(MFA) joined the centenarian club. Clara, anartist in Kirksville, Mo.,selected her favoriteworks from her privatecollection to be exhibited in the Kirksville ArtsAssociation this summer. Clara still paints,drives and lives on herfamily farm.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Ի(PolSci) of Portland,Maine, is writing several books: A memoir,a novel, a collectionof short stories and acookbook. Originally fromManhattan, Jim graduated from high school at16. His memoir exploreshis experience runninga bed-and-breakfastin Freeport, Maine, formore than 20 years withhis late wife GlynroseFriedlander.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

For the past25 years,Maynard Skinner(PE;MEdu’54; PhDEdu’63)ran the Department ofState exchange programfor the University ofCalifornia, Davis, helpingforeign nationals visitfor a three-week period.Maynard paired theguests with hosts of similar interests. Maynard,now 91, was vice chancellor of student affairsfor UC Davis before retiring in 1992. A successfullocal politician, Maynardwas on the Davis CityCouncil for 16 years andelected mayor twice. Hewrote, “When I was mayor, I brought «Ƶ’sopen-space coordinatorto visit, [whose programs] we copied], and«Ƶ in turn copiedour no smoking in publicplaces ordinance.”

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Ken Johnson (Mktg) workedas a journalist at theGrand Junction DailySentinelbefore becoming the owner in 1970.He continued to puthis degree to work, asowner of theClevelandPress and RedstoneCastle, a luxury hotelwest of Aspen. Kenlater moved to Californiato raise Arabianhorses. Currently inMassachusetts, Kenhas begun writing abiography of Walterand Preston Walker,the father and son duowho owned theSentinel before he did.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

John Lund(CivEngr;PhD’67) is a geothermalenergy expert and aretired emeritus professor and engineeringdean from the OregonInstitute of Technologyin Klamath Falls, Ore. Hewrites, “I am currentlyworking on gathering,editing and summarizing geothermal countryupdate papers from allover the world for theWorld Geothermal Congress 2020 to be heldin Reykjavik, Iceland, inApril 2020.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

ҳܲٲڲDz (APMath, Fin) publishedReverberations of aStroke: A Memoir,abook that tells the storyof his struggle to regainhis life purpose afterexperiencing a catastrophic stroke in 2016.Since his stroke, hehas returned to teaching at the University ofColorado, where he hasbeen a faculty memberin the mathematics department for more than50 years.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

A monthafter graduating from CU,ٲDZԲ(Geol) begana 30-year career as aresearch glaciologiststudying ice and snowin North Americanterritories. “I had agreat career, including publishing over 80scientific papers andauthoring or coauthoring four books, noneof which would havebeen possible withoutmy CU background,”he wrote. He lives inthe Upper Peninsulaof Michigan, where heworked for the ColdRegions Research &Engineering Laboratory,Great Lakes ResearchCenter and the GreatLakes EnvironmentalResearch Laboratory.He writes that he’s losttrack of his former CUhousemates and friendsand would love to hearfrom them.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Former CU swimmerGeorge Foster (Chem)competed at the 2019National Senior Games,held in June in Albuquerque, N.M. Georgetook first place in the200-yard individualmedley and the 500-yardfreestyle in the 80 to 84age group. The Broomfield, Colo., residentwrites that his wife,Mary Wiley Foster (A&S’58), died in 2014,and that he meets withother former CU athletesweekly for coffee. Abiochemistry doctorate,George worked in thepharmaceutical industryfor 30 years.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Arthur White (MBaSci;PhDEdu’69) was born in«Ƶ and grew up ona farm east of the Valmont power plant. In themid-1950s, he workedas a wrangler for Columbine Lodge — nearthe trail leading up toLongs Peak — packingsupplies by horsebackfor the CU Hiking Clubbefore they climbedLongs Peak. While working on his doctorate, hewas coach of the CUmen’s gymnastics team,leading it to a Big EightConference title. Arthurtaught at Ohio StateUniversity for 44 yearsbefore retiring.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

The dayafter graduating from CU,dz䲹Բ (Ѳ)Gae MayerCavanagh(Edu’60),and they built a life inJacksonville, Fla. Johnworked and ownedbusinesses in severalindustries, including cigars, boxes, insurance,health care, cars andvitamins. Gae taughtelementary school.Now retired, John hasspent the last 14 yearsworking with KairosPrison Ministry in UnionCounty, Fla., sharing hisChristian religion withinmates. John writes,“This is more rewardingwork than anything I didin the past.”

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

In additionto hosting“Wonderful Words ofLife” on KAAM-AM radio770 in Dallas,NellaPhillips (A&S) hosts“Moments with Nella” onYouTube. The one-minute videos provide amoment of inspirationfor viewers.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

In June,RichardWilson (Hist) retiredfrom the Universityof Virginia, where hetaught architecturalhistory for 43 years. Hewill continue teaching asummer course in Newport, R.I., and on thelecture circuit. Richardalso is writing a bookon Thomas Jefferson’sMonticello. He writes,“There is still plentyto do!”

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

In June, inremembranceof the 75th anniversaryof D-Day, retired NavyCommanderGaryForsberg (Psych) sangat the Brittany-Americanand Omaha BeachAmerican Cemeteries,as well as Sainte-MereEglise and LuxembourgGardens in Paris. Garyis a member of theSounds of the Rockiesmen’s chorus, and aformer member of the CUBuffoons a capella group.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Ted Hine (Fin)discoveredand digitized a long-forgotten reel-to-reel taperecording of his band’sthree-hour performanceat the Buff Room onThe Hill in July 1967 anddistributed copies toall the surviving bandmembers. The band,“Other Side Of Time,”formed in fall 1966 andwas active throughthe following summer.Other band membersincludedDick Coburn (PolSci’67; MA’76),MikeCollins (ChemEngr’70;MS’71; PhD’77),DougHays (Edu’71),JimFuchs (Psych’75),ScottMascitelli(A&S ex’69)andLonnie Brummit(Mus ex’70). The bandstarted playing fraternityand sorority parties, andby early 1967 were reg-ulars at the Buff Room,Tulagi and the HoneyBucket. By spring, theyhad a record on thelocal Top 40 charts.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

SteveHatchell(Advert), president andCEO of the NationalFootball Foundation(NFF), was featuredin the book1st andForever: Making theCase for the Future ofFootball,written by BobCasciola. A Coloradonative, Steve hasworked with intercollegiate athletics formost of his professionalcareer. In 2017, he wasinducted into CU’sAthletic Hall of Fame.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

In 2016,Steve Volstad (Jour) retired fromhis career in communications, most recentlyas communications andmarketing director forUNC-TV, North Carolina’s statewide publicbroadcasting channel.After 30 days awayfrom work, Steve knewhe needed somethingmore: He got a job withthe College of Veterinary Medicine at NorthCarolina State University, writing stories aboutanimals in poor healthand their caretakers.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Judy Crawford(Edu) writes,“My life after «Ƶhas been wonderful. Itaught for 25 years, waselected New MexicoTeacher of the Year in1989 and now have hada second career workingfor a nonprofit that fundsdrinking water projectsin developing countries.”She marriedRichardCrawford (Mktg’71) andthey made their home inSanta Fe.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Pueblo,Colo., residentKathleen HearnCroshal(CommThtr;Law’79) was namedpresident of the ColoradoBar Association for the2019-20 term. Kathleenspent 16 years practicinglaw, including work as adeputy district attorney inPueblo. She was then appointed a Pueblo Countyjudge for the 10th district,a role she held until herretirement in 2011.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Santa FeresidentDavidDouglas (Law) is founderof the all-volunteerorganization Waterlines,which is committed toproviding the world cleandrinking water. Currently,Waterlines’ main projectsare focused in Panamaand Kenya, but sinceits founding in 1986, ithas worked with over700 communities in 15countries.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Carol Callan (MPE;MBA’87) was elected president of theInternational Federationof Basketball, AmericasChapter. She is thefirst female to fill theposition for any FIBAregion. Carol is alsothe USA BasketballWomen’s National Teamdirector, a post she hasheld since 1996. Prior tojoining USA Basketball,she was athletic directorand assistant principalfor «Ƶ’s FairviewHigh School. She livesin «Ƶ.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019
