Dawn Davis Loring (MDance) has co-written a textbook titled Dance Appreciation that was published by Human Kinetics in January 2021.

Posted Mar. 4, 2021

Julia DeSimone Campbell (Jour) was selected as one of Adweek’s 2021 Creative 100 along with the likes of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Amanda Gorman and Bryce Dallas Howard. She has recently built and led the Branded Content Project, an industry resource for local media companies that helps them create new revenue streams through content marketing.

Posted Nov. 5, 2021

After graduating summa cum laude, Michael Kester (Phil) went to Harvard Law School, worked as a Wall Street financial analyst and was co-president of a leadership consulting firm. Last year, he launched Lead Belay, an affordable “peer-based leadership experience” for millennials. With Lead Belay, Michael hopes to help young workers recognize and develop their own personal leadership styles.

Posted Nov. 5, 2021

Nicole Kingham (CommDisor) was selected to join the 2021 board of directors of the American Academy of Audiology. Nicole earned her master’s degree in audiology at the University of Washington. She currently works with practice development groups to help implement audiology assistants or technicians into private practice audiology and medical ear, nose and throat clinics. Nicole has developed an audiology assistant training program that is used in many clinics around the United States.

Posted Nov. 5, 2021

In May,DavidCollins(Mktg’96) took therole of chief marketingofficer for Store Space,a corporation thatoperates self-storagefacilities across the nation. Prior, David servedas vice president andhead of marketing forPublic Storage.

Posted Nov. 6, 2023

Last fall, astrophysicist Will Kinney (PhDPhys’96) released the book , which delves into the origins of the universe through a theory called cosmic inflation. Will is a professor of physics at the University of Buffalo, SUNY.

Posted Mar. 4, 2024

Cultural anthropologist Laura DeLuca (MAnth’96; PhD’02), founder of impact travel venture Discover with DeLuca, has collaborated with fellow alum Brian Ash (Econ’13), co-founder of African eco-lodge Bomanoma, to plan and lead a “travel like an anthropologist” safari through Narok, Kenya, and Maasai Mara this summer. The trip will be an immersive cultural experience to support the surrounding communities and to teach about Maasai culture, for an overall safari venture centered on fun, global fluency and making a difference.

Posted Jul. 15, 2024
