Jane Weil Romberg (Edu) was selected as the 2021 recipient of the Hazie Werner Award in Steamboat Springs for her service to the community over the last 55 years. The award is given each year to a Yampa Valley, Colorado, woman who represents the legendary Hazie Werner’s legacy of volunteer work, community commitment and support of local organizations. Jane moved to Steamboat from Denver in 1966.

Posted Jul. 2, 2021

When Bob Bruner (PolSci’60; MBA’63) was 10 years old, he met Dr. G.P. Kuiper and looked at Mars through the largest refracting telescope in the world. The experience hooked him, but a “D” in physics lab at CU «Ƶ dashed his scientific hopes — until his later life. For three decades, he’s served as a volunteer in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science’s space sciences department, and has been a member of the Mars Society space advocacy group since 2001. Several years ago, Mars scientist Dr. Steve Benner invited him to contribute an exhibit to the Gordon, Texas, Origin of Life conference. Bob’s exhibit on meteorites and minerals associated with life’s beginnings was then shown to 650 scientists at the NASA International Mars Conference. “Thus began a comeback 57 years in the making,” Bob said. As a result of his work, Bob was invited to the final landing site meetings for the NASA Mars 2020 rover in Pasadena, California, and the ESA Exomars 2020 rover in Leicester, United Kingdom. Bob’s name is listed on a paper about looking for life on Mars, slated for publication in the journal Astrobiology.

Posted Jun. 1, 2020

A monthafter graduating from CU,ٲDZԲ(Geol) begana 30-year career as aresearch glaciologiststudying ice and snowin North Americanterritories. “I had agreat career, including publishing over 80scientific papers andauthoring or coauthoring four books, noneof which would havebeen possible withoutmy CU background,”he wrote. He lives inthe Upper Peninsulaof Michigan, where heworked for the ColdRegions Research &Engineering Laboratory,Great Lakes ResearchCenter and the GreatLakes EnvironmentalResearch Laboratory.He writes that he’s losttrack of his former CUhousemates and friendsand would love to hearfrom them.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Former CU swimmerGeorge Foster (Chem)competed at the 2019National Senior Games,held in June in Albuquerque, N.M. Georgetook first place in the200-yard individualmedley and the 500-yardfreestyle in the 80 to 84age group. The Broomfield, Colo., residentwrites that his wife,Mary Wiley Foster (A&S’58), died in 2014,and that he meets withother former CU athletesweekly for coffee. Abiochemistry doctorate,George worked in thepharmaceutical industryfor 30 years.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Arthur White (MBaSci;PhDEdu’69) was born in«Ƶ and grew up ona farm east of the Valmont power plant. In themid-1950s, he workedas a wrangler for Columbine Lodge — nearthe trail leading up toLongs Peak — packingsupplies by horsebackfor the CU Hiking Clubbefore they climbedLongs Peak. While working on his doctorate, hewas coach of the CUmen’s gymnastics team,leading it to a Big EightConference title. Arthurtaught at Ohio StateUniversity for 44 yearsbefore retiring.

Posted Oct. 1, 2019

Louis DeLuca (Law) wrote: “I went back East after graduation, clerked for a federal judge and then switchedplanning, education and the arts in Connecticut and Kentucky. Retired, I live in Berea, Ky., and weave rugs for friends. Transferring to CU law was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

Posted Jun. 3, 2019

Writer andmediatorDavid Evans(Phil)wrotea blog forPsychology Todaycalled“Can’t We All Just GetAlong?” He shared anEmmy Award for hiscontributions to the TVshowThe Monkees.He also won the LosAngeles SuperiorCourt’s “OutstandingCase of the Year Award”in 2000 and 2001 forsuccessful mediations.His website is . David lives inSouth Pasadena, Calif.

Posted Mar. 1, 2018

On June 1 Linda Rowland Christenson (Span) and Eric Christenson (Edu, Engl) participated in a seminar sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Paris for the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. The venue was the Hôtel de Talleyrand, where the Louisiana Purchase had been negotiated and which housed the plan’s U.S. headquarters in Europe. Eric and Linda, co-executive producers of a 1997 PBS documentary on the Marshall Plan, were writers and researchers for occasional projects at the Talleyrand from 2003 to 2010. The couple lives near their two children in Southern Pines, N.C.

Posted Sep. 1, 2017

William J. Veigele (PhDPhys) celebrated his 91st birthday in June and is preparing for the release of his 15th book. He served three years of active duty in WWII, taught as a professor at several universities and held positions in both environmental work and nuclear research.William lives in Santa Barbara, Calif.

Posted Dec. 1, 2016

In October, Nan Phifer (Engl) led a workshop titled “Write to Fictionalize Your Life” at the Waking the Dreamer Festival in Longmont, Colo. Nan’s book, Memoirs of the Soul: A Writing Guide, has received two awards

Posted Dec. 1, 2016

Author ofMemoirs of theSoul: A Writing Guide,Nan Riethmayer Phifer(Engl) in March led“A Lively Life-ReviewWorkshop: Joys andSorrows Reconciled” forthe American Societyon Aging Conference inWashington, D.C. Nanmay be contacted atnanphifer@mac.com.

Posted Jun. 1, 2016

Former Miss AmericaMarilyn Van Derbur(Engl) gave a keynoteaddress in April at UtahValley University, part ofan event hosted by “TheClothesline Project: SilentVoices,” a program for national violence awarenessand prevention. CrownedMiss America in 1958, twoyears before graduatingPhi Beta Kappa, Marilynhas been a motivationalspeaker focused onsexual abuse preventionand recovery. She isthe author of a memoirabout recovering fromsexual abuse, MissAmerica By Day, and isthe founder of the Survivor United Network.

Posted Jun. 1, 2016

The Life Story Library Foundation organized a workshop last fall featuringNan Riethmayer Phifer(A&S), author ofMemoirs of the Soul: A Writing Guide. A «Ƶ resident, Nan is an advisor to the Utah-based foundation.

Posted Mar. 1, 2015

The passing ofGeorge Foster’s (Chem) wife,Mary Wiley Foster(A&S’58), motivated George to get in shape. In June he swam in the Montana Senior Olympics, setting state records for the men’s 75-79 age group in the 50 Fly, 200 Freestyle and 500 Freestyle. He writes that his “Living Legend” plaque has been hanging on his wall since CU awarded it in 2010. He lives in Helena, Mt.

Posted Mar. 1, 2015

Memoirs of the Soul: A Writing GuideNan Riethmayer Phifer(A&S’60) has received two awards. Reader Views gave it first place in the literary awards writing/publication category, and MyShelf.com named her book a top 10 read. The Oregon Writing Project at the University of Oregon made her a “resident scholar.” Nan’s website is memoirworkshops.com. She lives in Eugene, Ore.

Posted Mar. 1, 2014

With a career in international development workCraig Hafner(A&S’60, MGeog’74) began as a Peace Corps volunteer in the first group of teachers going to Tanganyika, now Tanzania, in 1963. Afterwards he worked in Kenya with a medical missions group as a volunteer bush pilot. In 1975 Craig served as the associate Peace Corps director of rural development in Sierra Leone. Craig and his wife live in «Ƶ and periodically serve on the board of the nonprofit Friends of Tanzania, which his wife helped start.

Posted Sep. 1, 2013

Three years agoAnn Kern Ehrenclou(Mus’60) retired as music coordinator for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Schools in California. She continues to be involved in many musical activities including presenting teacher workshops in elementary music education, playing flute/harpsichord or piano duos, performing in a five-member musical theater group to raise money for charity and serving as president of the Peninsula Committee for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. She writes that the outstanding music education she received at CU has been the foundation of all her music endeavors.

Posted Jun. 1, 2013

In MarchNan Riethmayer Phifer(A&S’60) led a demonstration workshop, “Spontaneous, Compelling Memoirs for Life-Review,” for the American Society on Aging Conference in Chicago. Her book,Memoirs of the Soul: A Writing Guide,has received a Reviewers’ Choice Award and made the list of “Top Ten Reads.” Nan lives in Eugene, Ore.

Posted Jun. 1, 2013

Structural engineerRich Weingardt(CivEngr’60, MS’64, HonDocSci’11) was quoted inTheNew York Times Magazineon April 7 in the “Who Made That?” article on the Ferris wheel. George Ferris “probably had more to do with the acceptance of structural steel than anybody alive at his time,” Rich told Pagan Kennedy who wrote the article.Rich wrote a biography on Ferris titledCircles in the Sky, The Life and Times of George Ferris.He lives in Denver.

Posted Jun. 1, 2013

Astronomy loverRobert Bruner(PolSci’60, MBA’63) writes he prepared the exhibit, “Life on Mars in a Box” for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and educated the public about the Mars Curiosity Rover. An amateur scientist, Robert has studied Mars for 60 years, given more than 230 astronomy talks and has volunteered at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for 24 years.

Posted Mar. 1, 2013
