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Autumn 2006 | Volume 29, Number 4 | Alumni

Helping Parents Save for College

Independent 529

SOME SEATTLE PACIFIC University families are saving money on the cost of future college tuition through a flexible, low-cost pre-paid tuition program known as the Independent 529 Plan. Because tuition rises nationally at an average rate of 6 percent a year, locking in tuition at a discount from today’s prices is an attractive guarantee against tuition inflation. There are no start-up, maintenance, or annual fees, and the plan is free from federal taxes.

SPU Vice President for Business and Planning Don Mortenson believes the plan is an excellent option by which people can fund the cost of college for the next generation at hundreds of independent universities, including Seattle Pacific. “It’s the most highly effective plan of its kind that I’ve seen for those families who believe that private higher education is the place to send their sons and daughters.”

The Independent 529 Plan is administered by TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. For more information, visit .



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Beyond Intellectual Mastery
President Philip Eaton offers a more complete view of education: Learning is “a bigger story than our own little pieces of intellectual mastery.”

Advising Future Physicians
In 2006, SPU achieved a 100 percent medical school acceptance rate through its unique, longtime approach to “shepherding” premed students.

Fiction on a Small Canvas
A new volume celebrates the best in Christian short stories — and leads off with a creation of SPU Adjunct Professor Mary Kenagy.

Goodwill Goalkeeping
Star soccer player Marcus Hahnemann ’93 wins fans in Europe, and represents America in the 2006 World Cup.

My Response
Principal and SPU doctoral student Karol Pulliam considers the classroom implications of John Medina’s 12 brain rules.

Back-Cover Art
Class of 2000 alumna Anne Faith Nicholls gives Response readers a “Page One Examination.”

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