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Spring 2004 | Volume 26, Number 6 | Features

Letter Written by SPC Student Toshiko Senda ’42 to SPC President C. Hoyt Watson
May 25, 1942

Dear President Watson,

Here it is almost a month since I have been here in camp and I am at last dropping you a line. It seems that I should be able to write but I find it even harder than when I am going to school.

How are you and all the folks at good ole’ SPC? I suppose you are busy; indeed very much so, with school business. With the end of the quarter nearing there must be much excitement and activities about. How I do miss SPC and all its many activities. I think of you all very often and long to be there amid the Christian fellowship.

There is much one can say about this camp life both good and bad but on the whole it isn’t too bad. It is so easy to complain and also to be lazy here. There is no formal education but we are planning for a daily vacation church school. We do, however, have Sunday school and church services. We have choir practice, concerts (records), a very good athletic program, recreation and are now starting interest groups. I’m sure gradually we will have more.

At present I am working on the medical staff, sterilizing and filling typhoid syringes and also doing clerical work. It keeps me busy six days a week. I am enjoying the work at least, and I am learning something.

I don’t know whether you will remember or not but when I left SPC you asked about my coming back for Commencement Exercises. Today, I inquired at the Headquarters and I found out that I can go to attend them. I am so happy and excited! There is one condition and favor I must ask. With the gas rationing I find it difficult and I hate to ask it but since it will be easier for me to get out I should without permission ask you if you will be able to provide transportation for me. The Headquarters’ Office has told me that if I have someone be my custodian while I am gone and also have someone come get me I will have an easier time getting out. Another requirement which I need to ask of you is that I have a written request from you stating that you would like to have me attend the Commencement Exercises. Will you please write such a letter to Mr. J.J. McGovern, Camp Center Manager, W.C.C.A. Puyallup, Washington. Also will you please state as to the way of transportation if it is possible, and also that someone definitely will take upon the responsibility of being my custodian during my stay in Seattle.

I certainly more than appreciate your doing all this for me. It is asking a great deal but I know you will cooperate. Thank you very much. Another thing, too, will you please arrange about my cap and gown?

I certainly will be anxiously awaiting your reply and also with greatest anxiety to see you all once again.

May the Lord’s richest blessing and guidance be upon you and yours for the remainder of the quarter and always.

Most sincerely yours,

Toshiko Senda


Letter Written by SPC President C. Hoyt Watson to J.J. McGovern, Camp Center Manager
June 1, 1942

June 1, 1942

Mr. J. J. McGovern
Camp Center Manager
W. C. C. A.
Puyallup, Washington

Dear Mr. McGovern:

Miss Toshiko Senda, who is now located in the Camp Center at Puyallup, is a graduating senior here at Seattle Pacific College. Although it was necessary for her to leave school a few weeks before Commencement, by vote of our faculty she is being graduated.

Our Commencement Exercises are at 10 o’clock Monday morning, June 8. We are very anxious for Miss Senda to be present to receive her diploma and degree. It would be necessary for her to be here by 9:30 a.m.

I understand that it may be possible for her to be released for this occasion provided we arrange for a custodian and for her transportation. This we shall gladly do.

Mr. William Hunter, assistant pastor and education director at the College Church will be such custodian and will come after her and bring her back.

We appreciate your kind cooperation in this matter and assure you of our desire to reciprocate in every way.

Very sincerely yours,

C. Hoyt Watson

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