Alumni Board Welcomes New Members |
Three alumni will fill vacant positions on the Seattle Pacific University Alumni Board in the new year: Doug Bickerstaff, Cascade College '68, Representative at Large to 2000. As quality assurance manager for Ikon Communications Corporation, Bickerstaff oversees account relations and retention. "I know what SPU has meant in the lives of our two daughters, both graduates," he says. "To serve Seattle Pacific alumni is a way of paying back the school that's meant so much to our family." Betty Jo MacPhee '50, Representative at Large to 1999. Now retired, MacPhee was associate to the president - her husband, Donald - at the University of New York College at Fredonia for 11 years. "I want to serve alumni because we're so impressed with what we see going on at Seattle Pacific," she explains. "It's the secret jewel of the Northwest." Cathy Le Shana McIntyre '87, Representative at Large to 2000.
Mother of a two-year-old, McIntyre has her own consulting firm, CM Consulting,
to plan and manage corporate conferences and annual meetings. "Starting
a family of our own, we can't help but think ahead to college and the importance
of a Christian education," says McIntyre, daughter of former Seattle
Pacific president David Le Shana. "SPU will always be a special place
for me." |
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