Published: July 17, 2020

Disability Services (DS) is available to discuss any concerns you have about implementation of your accommodations. To ensure a seamless transition to remote course instruction, we encourage you to quickly learn from instructors how the course will be managed and have conversations about how your accommodations will be applied to the next context. DS is happy to discuss any concerns you or your instructor may have about how to implement accommodations.

Testing accommodations in the remote classroom

DS will no longer be proctoring exams in our office space with the university's decision to adapt remote courses for the remainder of the semester. The majority of testing accommodations can be fulfilled by your instructor in this new remote format. Our office has reached out to faculty and students via email to confirm cancellation of any upcoming scheduled exams or quizzes at Disability Services.

Students who have been approved for testing accommodations through our office should continue to receive these accommodations regardless of the platform for administration. Exceptions to this would be accommodations that do not apply to the remote testing environment, such as a distraction-reduced environment for exams and quizzes.

Extended time

  • Approved extended time is applicable when the exam has a limited amount of working time (i.e. 1 hour or 3 hour exam time)
  • If the exam is available for a period of time (such as a day or several days), but you have a defined amount of working time (i.e. 1 hour) once you open the exam, your extended time would be applied as is done for in-class exams
  • If, however, the exam is available for several days, with no specific amount of time given for the exam end time, then extended time is generally not applied when the working window is more than 24 hours. To clarify how your extended time should be applied, please contact your AC as quickly as possible. 
  • Tests, quizzes and exams given during this time period may be offered through Canvas. 
    • In this instance, the platform controls the amount of the time and will shut down the exam when the time allotted expires. When the exam has a specific amount of working time, please make sure to confirm your extended time accommodation with your instructor so the timing of the exam can be adjusted for you to reflect the amount of extra time that you have been approved for. 
    • Your instructor amy choose some other means to administer a timed exam. If so, please talk with your instructor to ensure that your start and end times, including your extended time, will be properly documented so there is no question about the amount of time you worked on the exam. 

Breaks for personal needs

Disability services recommends students with this accommodation get 10 minutes additional time for each hour of exam or quiz time. Please note that breaks for personal needs are not to be used for working on the exam. As with an in-class exam, the honor code applies to your appropriate use fo the working time and breaks.

Use of computer for exams

It is likely that most tests, quizzes or essay exams that would be handwritten in class may be permitted to be done via computer with accommodation. In cases where you would normally use this accommodation but the instructor is asking for handwritten submissions, you should contact the professor immediately to discuss how this accommodation can be applied, given that you will not have access to a clean laptop from DS proctoring. You can also contact your AXC to see how they can help navigate this accommodation, if the instructor is asking for handwritten submissions.

Large print exams

If you have any concerns about the ability to use your laptop to magnify the size of exams, please contact your instructor to ensure that the exam is available to you in a format conducive to magnification.

Other accommodations

If you receive other testing accommodations that will be impacted by the change in test administration, please communicate with your instructor immediately to discuss options. DS is available to assist as needed in conversations about how to apply accommodations.

Non-testing accommodations

Peer note-takers

Note-takers will continue to take notes and upload them to the shared Google Drive when lectures are presented with an auditory component. Please reach out to your AC if you need any assistance with your note-taking accommodation.

Flex plans

Flex plans will continue to capture the unique impacts on students with this accommodation, especially as it relates to assignment deadlines and make-up exams in the remote classroom format. You should continue to work with your faculty around your Flex Plan. If you have any questions about your Flex Plan, please contact your AC as soon as possible.

Other accommodations

If you receive other accommodations that will be impacted by the shift to remote learning, please communicate with your instructor immediately to discuss options. DS is available to assist as needed in conversations about how to apply accommodations. 

Disability Services can currently be reached at or 303-492-8671.

*Adapted from Princeton University, Office of Disability SErvices