Tiffany Beechy

Faculty Spotlight: Tiffany Beechy

A well-known paragon of the English Department is the mentorship faculty provide to students over the course of their studies at CU ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅. Whether you are a first time undergraduate learning the foundations of writing or an experienced PhD candidate about to be named an expert in your field, English...

Lori Emerson

Faculty Spotlight: Lori Emerson

One particular highlight of the English Department at CU ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ can be found in the varied cross-disciplinary research of its faculty members. From American and British literature to creative writing to popular culture, film, and digital media, faculty specialties provide a hybrid of traditional and experimental instruction that allows students...

Jeff Cox headshot

Faculy Profile: Jeff Cox

β€œA good class can save a bad day.” So said by Dr. Jeff Cox, full professor of English, who has recently returned to teaching full-time after 21 combined years of service in administrative positions at the ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅. Cox, a Seattle native who grew up outside of Washington...

William Kuskin headshot

Faculty Profile: William Kuskin

It is no secret that many of the English Department’s faculty juggle a myriad of roles – teaching being the obvious – but also developing and improving curriculum, mentoring student organizations, serving on student thesis committees, and working on cross-disciplinary programs to bridge divides in the humanities, just to name...

Adam Bradley Headshot

Faculty Profile: Adam Bradley

One particular focus of the English Department at the ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ that has become essential to literature and creative writing programs is popular culture. Many undergraduate and graduate students alike concentrate on pop culture in their studies in English, constantly creating fresh connections and pushing academic boundaries. One...

Paul Levitt Headshot

Emeritus Faculty Profile: Paul Levitt

Dedication is not a transient lodger. The dedicated person stays for the long term. Professor Paul Levitt retired after 50 years of teaching, service, and publication. He wishes to thank the students who studied with him, the hardworking staff members in the front office, and his colleagues, tenured and un-tenured,...

Marcia Douglas Headshot

Faculty Profile: Marcia Douglas

Since the 1970s, the ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣơ’s Creative Writing program has consistently provided a center for strong experimental writing in the Rockies. Over the years and through the influx of students entering and exiting the program, an undeniable constant has been the faculty members who dedicate their careers to...