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Faces of ENVD | Sarah Kitchen

Sarah Kitchen

"Sarah, with her words, love of cats and endless memes, she brings humor and light to the studio space and school really isn’t the same without her."

–Claudia O’Herron


Try to get to know as many people in your classes as possible, because I've made so many great friends through ENVD

What is your major and year of study? I'm a senior in Planning

Where are you from? Atlanta, Georgia

What inspired you to come to ENVD when you were choosing your school? I knew that I wanted to do something architecture-related and when I was visiting other schools, I learned about the field of Urban Planning. It seemed like a perfect fit for me, and so did CU.

What do you miss the most about being in person on campus and ENVD? I miss hanging out in my studio space the most. It was nice to have a home base to go to in between classes and I enjoyed working with my classmates outside of studio time.

What has been one of your favorite memories so far this semester? When Bruce created three different personas ("Corky," the Scientist, and "Chowderhouse") to guide us through a group activity over zoom in my Sustainable Futures Planning class.

What’s your go-to, non-Zoom activity when you get to take a break from your screens? Hiking