Published: Feb. 7, 2019

Mark Opp Celine Vetter Tanya Alderete The Department of Integrative Physiology is announcing a new brown bag series called Promoting Integrative Collaboration and Science (PICS). These monthly meetings will bring together IPHY faculty and postdoctoral researchers to learn about and provide input on one another's research, and to cultivate new research ideas and collaborations. The diverse research laboratories in the IPHY Department are spread among several different buildings, and PICS is part of a broader effort to strengthen ties and interaction among its researchers. PICS will complement the Department's weekly colloquium series by providing a more informal venue with a flexible format, and focusing on research within the Department.

PICS meetings will be coordinated by Tanya Alderete and Celine Vetter, with administrative support by Paula Yamashita. The series was developed under the mentorship of Deparment Chair Mark Opp. The first meeting is February 27 at 11 AM – 12 noon in CLRE 210. If you are interested in attending, read more details about preparing for the first meeting and please RSVP to Paula ( by 11 AM on February 26, to facilitate lunch planning.