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Late Arrival Process for New International Students

In order to support academic success and given that nearly all courses will be in person for the Fall 2021 semester, it is expected that international undergraduate and graduate students including MBA and LLM students arrive in the U.S. before the first day of classes (no later than Sunday, August 22, 2021) so that they are ready to attend classes when they start.

An exception to this rule will only be considered if: 1) the international student has a valid F-1 or J-1 student visa in their passport and 2) there is a compelling reason for their request to arrive late. 

Requests for such exceptions should be discussed with/directed to International Admissions and submitted prior toMonday, August 16, 2021 (that is, no later than Sunday, August 15, 2021).

Even if a late arrival request is approved, all new international undergraduate students must arrive on campus prior toMonday, August 30, 2021 (no later than Sunday, August 29, 2021) and all new international graduate students must arrive on campus prior toFriday, September 10, 2021 (no later than Thursday, September 9, 2021).

  • If an international student is unable to arrive on campus by this date, they should request deferral of their admission to the next allowable semester. 

Undergraduate Student Late Arrival Request Process

When requesting a late arrival, undergraduate international students must email intladm@colorado.edu and include in their email message a copy of their visa stamp, proof of full-time course registration for Fall 2021, the requested date of arrival, a detailed summary of the reason(s) why the late arrival is being requested, and what arrangements have been made with the instructors of courses to ensure that they will not fall behind in coursework before arriving in the U.S.

Graduate Student Late Arrival Request Process

When requesting a late arrival, international graduate students must email intlgrad@colorado.edu and include in their email message a copy of their visa stamp, the requested date of arrival, a detailed summary of the reason(s) why the late arrival is being requested, and what arrangements have been made with the instructors of courses to ensure that they will not fall behind in coursework before arriving in the U.S.

  • In extraordinary circumstances, graduate student requests submitted prior to the first day of classes, Monday, August 23, 2021, will be considered.

Fall 2021 FAQs

Please review the Fall 2021 FAQs for additional information about deferring admission, enrollment requirements and more.

Note: The Fall 2021 FAQs have been removed, please refer to the FAQs for the current semester.

Please reach out to ISSS if you have any questions and/or feedback. 

Thank you for your continued support and patience.