Student on Global Seminar to Istanbul

Jewish Studies Students Explore Jewish/Muslim Relations in Istanbul

Sept. 3, 2015

From June 9-June 25, 2015, six CU undergraduates and two graduate students joined Nan Goodman , Director of the Program in Jewish Studies and Professor of English, in a life changing experience--a global seminar in Istanbul about the multi-ethnic connections and cross currents between Jews and Muslims, past and present...

David Shneer

David Shneer serves as Helix Project Scholar-in-Residence, presents research for new book project

Aug. 31, 2015

David Shneer , Louis P. Singer Endowed Chair in Jewish History and Professor of History, Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, had a busy summer of globetrotting. He served as scholar-in-residence for the Helix Project that took students to Belarus, Lithuania, and Latvia. Next year, he plans to open a competition...

Nan Goodman

Welcome back from Director Nan Goodman

Aug. 28, 2015

It is with great pleasure that I write to welcome students, faculty, community members, and friends near and far to a new academic year in the Program in Jewish Studies. As the new Director of PJS, I wish to extend to you the kind of warm welcome and support I...

Alexis Aaeng

Meet Alexis Aaeng, Major in Jewish Studies

Aug. 28, 2015

Alexis Aaeng , double major in Jewish Studies and History, comes to the CU community and the Program in Jewish Studies from Fort Collins, Colorado. Alexis was a recipient of the 2014-15 Barry and Sue Baer Undergraduate Scholarship , an award granted to our most promising Jewish Studies students. She...

Nick Underwood

Nick Underwood invited to participate in graduate workshop at Center for Jewish History

Aug. 28, 2015

PhD candidate in European and Jewish history, Nick Underwood was invited to participate in the the Graduate Student Workshop in Modern Jewish History at the Center for Jewish History in New York this coming October. In other recent news, his article "Aron Beckerman's City of Light: Writing French History and...

Davide Stimilli

Davide Stimilli publishes new article on Aby Warburg

Aug. 28, 2015

Associate Professor and Associate Graduate Chair of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures Davide Stimilli has recently published the article “L’énigme de Warburg,” on the German-Jewish art and cultural historian Aby Warburg, in the Revue Française de Psychanalyse 79 (2015): 1100-1114. He has also reviewed the book...

Sasha Senderovich

Sasha Senderovich publishes two articles, tribute to Svetlana Boym

Aug. 28, 2015

Sasha Senderovich , Assistant Professor of Russian and Jewish Studies, published an article “Soviet Jews, Re-Imagined: Émigré Anglophone Writers from the USSR,” in The Edinburgh Companion to Modern Jewish Fiction (Edinburgh University Press, 2015). His translation — a collaboration with Harriet Murav (University of Illinois) — of David Bergelson's Yiddish-language...

Elias Sacks

Elias Sacks presents at DU and Illif School of Theology

Aug. 27, 2015

Elias Sacks , Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Director of Graduate Studies for the Program in Jewish Studies, recently presented on panels at the University of Denver and the Illif School of Theology on “Religion and the Academy” and “The Multidisciplinary of Religious Studies.” During the coming months, Professor...

Kathryn Huether

Kathryn Huether studies German and conducts research in Berlin

Aug. 27, 2015

Kathryn Huether , MA Candidate in Religious Studies, spent her summer studying German and conducting research in Berlin. Kathryn attended a summer language course at Berlin's Freie Universität. In addition to her language course, Kathryn conducted research at the Sachsenhausen Archives and the Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna, Austria. Kathryn...

Liora Halperin

Liora Halperin Teaches for Wexner Heritage Program

Aug. 27, 2015

This past summer Liora Halperin , Assistant Professor of History and Jewish Studies, taught two community classes, a 5-part intensive Modern Jewish History course for Denver Jewish community leaders through the Wexner Heritage Program , and a week-long course at the National Havurah Institute in New Hampshire called "Which Land...
