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ICYMI: Faculty Publications and Notable Mentions

Faculty Publications

Peter Huang [retired Colorado Law faculty],  (2023). 

Lolita Buckner Inniss, Abortion Law as Protection Narrative, 101 Oregon L. Rev. (2023)(online link forthcoming). 

Maryam Jamshidi, , 108 Cornell L. Rev.739 (2023). 

Amanda Parsons, SSRN.com (Aug. 7, 2023).

Blake Reid, Jerry Kang, & Alan Butler,  (2023). 

Daria Roithmayr, , 28 Mich. J. Race & L. 145 (2023).   

Notable Mentions, Blogs, & Interviews 

[Harold Bruff, Professor Emeritus], Louis Jacobson,  Politifact, (Aug. 1, 2023). 

Paul Campos; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Lawyers, Guns, & Money Blog, (July 29-Aug.11, 2023).  

[Shamika Dalton, Deep Gulasekaram, Daria Roithmayr, & Wadie Said], , CU Connections (Aug. 10, 2023).   

T. Markus Funk [Colorado Law adjunct], recent articles on , , and ) made SSRN’s Top Ten Download Lists for the following eJournals:  Institutional & Transition Economics; Criminal Law; Types of Offending; Compliance & Risk Management; Law & Society: Private Law - Labor & Employment Law; and Political Economy – Development: Underdevelopment & Poverty Law.   

[Deep Gulasekaram], Emily Battaglia, Getting to know Prof. Deep Gulasekaram, Colorado Law, (Aug. 8, 2023). 

[Deep Gulasekaram, Maryam Jamshidi, Vivek Krishnamurthy, Sarah Matsumoto, Blake Reid, Daria Roithmayr, & Wadie SaidTwelfth season of mini law school to feature new topic areas, faculty members, Colorado Law (June 29, 2023).   

Jennifer Hendricks, Emily Battaglia, Essentially a Mother: A Q&A with Jennifer Hendricks exploring her groundbreaking new book, Colorado Law (July 13, 2023).   

Peter Huang, Lunch and Learn Presentations: CU Fireside Chat on Disrupting Racism (forthcoming, Aug. 22, 2023). 

Maryam Jamshidi, Just Security, (July 24, 2023). 

[Maryam Jamshidi], Garrett Shanley, , The Independent Florida Alligator, (July 31, 2023). 

Maryam Jamshidi, , Law and Political Economy Blog (June 22, 2023).   

[Maryam Jamshidi], Caleb Symons, , Law360 (June 29, 2023). 

[Margot Kaminski], , TechPolicy.com (July 28, 2023).  

[Susan Nevelow Mart, Professor Emeritus], Bob Ambrogi, LawNext, (Aug. 9, 2023). 

[Christopher Mueller],  (New Jersey Supreme Court, Aug. 2, 2023)(citing Mueller’s Federal Evidence, 4th ed.).   

Helen Norton [panelist] & Doug Spencer [moderator], 2023 U.S. Supreme Court Review (Aug. 2, 2023). 

[Amanda Parsons], Paul Caron, , TaxProf Blog, (Aug. 9, 2023).   

Blake Reid, recipient of  for work in the Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law & Policy Clinic  

[Blake Reid], Emily Battaglia, Getting to know Prof. Blake Reid, Colorado Law, (Aug. 2, 2023). 

[Daria Roithmayr], Brian Leiter, , Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports, (Aug. 8, 2023). 

[Mark Squillace], Akielly Hu, , Grist (Aug. 1, 2023).   

[Harry Surden], Ronald M. Sandgrund, , Colorado Lawyer 24 (July/August 2023). 

ICYMI faculty headshots