ICYMI: Faculty Publications & Notable Mentions
Widely recognized for its intellectual diversity and originality, the faculty at Colorado Law encompasses an array of prominent legal scholars who are widely cited, both in academia and throughout the national media landscape. We invite you to catch up on the latest faculty publications and media mentions with this weekly round up.
Faculty Publications
Alexia Brunet Marks, , in Research Handbook on International Food Law, Edward Elgar Press (Michael Roberts ed., 2023).
T. Markus Funk [Colorado Law Adjunct] & Eugene Volokh, (Chapter 11 in the ABA’s State of Criminal Justice 2023).
Amanda Parsons & Salome Viljoen, , forthcoming Colum. L. Rev. (article title correction and co-author addition from last week’s newsletter).
Pierre Schlag, , Jurisprudence (2023)(book symposium on Alexander Somek’s Knowing What the Law Is).
Notable mentions, blogs, & newspaper articles
[Alexia Brunet Marks], 13 faculty, staff selected for Excellence in Leadership Program, CU ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Today, (Aug. 25, 2023).
Paul Campos, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Lawyers, Guns, & Money blog, (Aug. 18-25, 2023).
Derek Kiernan-Johnson, , The Conversation, (Aug. 23, 2023).
[Helen Norton], , The Colorado Springs Gazette, (Aug. 20, 2023).
[Amanda Parsons], Tracey Roberts, , TaxProf Blog, (Aug. 19, 2023).
[Amanda Parsons], Paul Caron, , TaxProf Blog, (Aug. 21, 2023).
[Amanda Parsons], Paul Caron, TaxProf Blog, Aug. 24, 2023.
[Blake Reid], Emily Battaglia, Blake Reid ’10 receives H. Latham Breunig Humanitarian Award from TDI, Colorado Law, (Aug. 21, 2023).
Scott Skinner-Thompson & Jake Chanenson, (Aug. 16, 2023).
[Getches-Wilkinson Center], Marianne Goodland, Colorado Politics, (Aug. 24, 2023).