Published: July 12, 2018
Blueprint 2.0 announcement event

17 Colorado communities selected to receive 2018 program awards

Sterling, Colo. – Colorado Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne joined local officials and State representatives at the Logan County Courthouse to reveal the 17 Colorado communities selected as 2018 Blueprint 2.0 program award recipients. A program of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), Blueprint 2.0 marks its third year of rural economic development support throughout Colorado.

“Blueprint 2.0 has become an integral part of rural Colorado’s economic resurgence,” said Colorado Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne. “These programs deliver the vital economic services and expertise to help spark economic growth in a collaborative community-led effort. I’m honored to announce this year’s awardees and am excited to watch the transformative process within each community unfold.”

The 2018 Blueprint 2.0 program awardees by program are:

  • Brand Building for Communities: Town of Hayden, Town of Basalt, Rio Blanco County
  • Certified Small Business Community: Logan County/Town of Sterling, Chaffee County, San Juan County, and The West End of Montrose County
  • Community Placemaking: Town of Meeker, Town of Woodland Park
  • Co-working 101: Town of Basalt, Town of Olathe
  • Colorado Rural Academy For Tourism Studio 201: Town of Greeley, Town of Delta
  • Creativity Lab of Colorado: Town of Sterling, Town of La Junta
  • Grow Your Outdoor Recreation Industry: Clear Creek County, Town of Fairplay, Town of Rangley, Town of Pagosa Springs
  • Colorado Office of Film, Television, and Media (COFTM) Film Festival Initiative: Town of Steamboat Springs, Town of Salida
  • Launch a Sector Partnership (Collaboration with the Colorado Workforce Development Council): Moffat County

“We see the tremendous impact of these programs on rural communities each year so it’s especially rewarding to be here in a 2017 recipient community to announce this year’s awardees while seeing the tangible results of last year’s investment in Logan County,” said regional coordinator and analyst Danielle Lendriet. “These programs are shaped by the rural areas they serve and that’s the key to their collaborative success and long-term impact.”

Blueprint 2.0

Blueprint 2.0 is a series of technical assistance initiatives offered by the Colorado Office of Economic Development to enhance rural economic development strategies across the state. The program leverages state partnerships and specialized resources to address the unique economic development goals of rural Colorado. This bottom-up effort turns regional feedback on local economic needs into a catalyst for economic growth. To learn more, visit . For specific program or application process questions, contact Danielle Lendriet at