Theory prospective students
Master’s degree in music theory
The CU «Ƶ master’s degree in music theory provides students with the opportunity to engage in deep analytical and interpretive study of music in dialogue with performance, musicology, cognitive science, pedagogy, new media and other fields. The degree equips students for theory teaching and original research and prepares them for advanced doctoral study. Students benefit from the vibrant and collegial environment of the College of Music with access to elective courses in performance, composition, musicology, music education, music entrepreneurship, musician’s wellness and other fields.
Master of Music in Theory degree requirements
Opportunities for TAships
The College of Music offers merit-based aid in the forms of scholarships and teaching assistantships in music theory. Teaching Assistants (TAs) perform various essential duties, including teaching courses related to the undergraduate theory core and in music technology.
Students applying for the theory assistantship must complete this online application to be considered. about applying for the master’s in music theory degree.
An in-person interview is highly recommended for those applying for a theory TAship. The interview will include sight-singing, demonstration of keyboard skills (harmonic progressions, simple keyboard textures, etc.), as well as discussion of the applicant’s theory and teaching background. To schedule an interview, contact Music Theory Chair Yonatan Malin,
Theory placement criteria
All incoming first-year music majors who begin in a fall semester are required to take the theory diagnostic in the summer prior. The assessment takes about an hour and comprises written theory and aural skills portions. Topics include key signatures, scales, intervals, triads and seventh chords, rhythm and meter, Roman numerals and melodic and harmonic dictation. Students are not expected to know all this information: The diagnostic assesses students’ current familiarity and facility with theory fundamentals. From the results, we can appropriately place students in first or second-semester theory courses. Students can prepare for the assessment by studying a fundamentals text or website (some of which include aural skills lessons and reinforcement). See the lists below for suggestions.
Advanced placement music theory students
Students who earn a composite score of 4 for AP Music Theory are generally exempt from first-semester theory core courses. Those with a score of 5 are generally exempt from the entire first year of the theory core. These students are still required to take the theory diagnostic so that we can confirm their knowledge and skill levels.
Self-study textbooks
- “Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm and Meter” by John Clough and Joyce Conley, published by Norton
- “Basic Materials in Music Theory: A Programmed Approach” by Greg Steinke and Paul Harder, currently published by Pearson
- “A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals” by William Duckworth, currently published by Schirmer