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Finding a job in uncertain times


During these uncertain times, many students may be wondering if any organizations are hiring. While there have been changes in the workforce due to the impacts of COVID-19, many companies and industries are continuing to hire. Here are some tips and resources to help your student find a job during uncertain times.

Keeping an open mind with available opportunities

As your student searches for jobs, encourage them to keep an open mind about the available positions and companies that are hiring. Starting in an entry-level role can be a viable option, especially for students who have an immediate need for work. These types of jobs are often in large corporations that have professional jobs and other roles with salaries. Starting in an entry-level position can be an opportunity for students to demonstrate their value as an employee and be considered for future promotions.

Broadening their search

A great place for CU students to find internships and jobs is Handshake. Handshake is a free one-stop shop for students who are starting their career journey, and it’s CU’s online recruiting tool used by thousands of employers. It’s available to all CU students, and can be an important and helpful part of their search for a job after graduation.

In addition to keeping an open mind about available positions, students can broaden their search for opportunities in industries that are in demand right now. These include:

  • Internet and software

  • Health care

  • K-12 education

  • Non-profit

  • Electronic and computer hardware

  • Manufacturing

  • Research

  • Higher education

  • Construction

  • Government

Encourage your student to set up saved searches on Handshake to receive emails when positions are posted that meet their search criteria.

Finding ways to stay motivated

Whether your student has just started looking for a job or they have been submitting applications for a while, it can be common to experience feelings of rejection. Even though it can feel discouraging, encourage your student to keep applying and networking to maintain momentum in their job search. Suggest that they set goals for a number of applications and networking contacts per week, rather than waiting to hear back from one company at a time. If it’s helpful, they could ask a friend to help keep them accountable and motivated.

As your student is searching, they could consider learning a new skill. This can give them something other than the job search to think about, and it might help them in their search. All CU students have , an online library of instructional videos that cover a variety of professional skills.Ìý

Volunteering is another good way to stay motivated. It’s an opportunity to support a cause your student is passionate about, and can remind them of their strengths. Your student can also include volunteer work on their resume.Encourage them to connect with the Volunteer Resource Center to find opportunities.

Career Services is here to help

For more tips on job searching, encourage your student to connect with a career development advisor. Career Services is open for virtual visits via Zoom or LiveChat on our website.