Can We Explain Regime Type Differences If Citizens Don't Vote Based on Foreign Economic Policy?

May 23, 2019

David Bearce and V. Ximena Velasco-Guachalla. "Can We Explain Regime Type Differences If Citizens Don't Vote Based on Foreign Economic Policy?" Foreign Policy Analysis . (Forthcoming)

Indigenous Attitudes toward the Political System in Bolivia

May 23, 2019

Carew Boulding, Raymond Foxworth, Jamie Nelson-Nunez, and V. Ximena Velasco-Guachalla. "Indigenous Attitudes toward the Political System in Bolivia" Revista Latino Americana de Opini on P ublic a. Issue 8 (Forthcoming)


Is the Informal Sector Politically Different? Answers from Latin America.

Baker, A., & *Velasco-Guachalla, V. X. 2018. β€œIs the Informal Sector Politically Different? Answers from Latin America.” World Development, 102, 170-182. Read this publication...