Eve-Lyn Hinckley
- Assistant Professor
- PhD Stanford University 2009
Ecosystem biogeochemistry; ecohydrology; human dimensions of global change
Research Interests
My research program focuses on quantifying the movement of carbon, nutrients, and water in terrestrial ecosystems, with an emphasis on how they are changed by human activities and how those changes feed back to affect human welfare. Most of my projects have focused at local to regional scales in Colorado and California, often in collaboration land managers and farmers interested in using scientific findings to inform sustainable water, nutrient, and pesticide management. This foundation has informed development of a new, large-scale, collaborative project with staff at remote ecolodges along the American Cordillera. At multiple locations, we are building a rainfall chemistry observatory network with support from The National Geographic Society; through this project, we seek to know more about the chemical fingerprint of human activities on remote regions.