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Occurrence, Fate, And Ecosystem Implications Of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds In Select Rivers Of Minnesota

Writer , Jeff H 1 ; Barber , Larry 2 ; Stephanie , Keefe 3 ; Brown , Greg 4 ; James , Gray 5 ; Schoenfuss , Heiko 6 ; Jahns , Nathan 7 ; Ferrey , Mark 8 1 University of Colorado/USGS, ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, CO 2 USGS, ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, CO...

Mission Architectures For Measuring Hydrology Using Satellites

Wiese , David N 1 ; Nerem , Steve 2 1 Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research 2 Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research Since its launch in 2002, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission has been providing measurements of the time-varying Earth gravity field. Scientists have used this data...

Seasonal Changes In Benthic Diatom Community Composition In An Antarctic Stream Related To Stream Flow

Stanish , Lee F 1 ; Kimball , Allison J 2 ; McKnight , Diane M 3 1 University of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ 2 University of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ 3 University of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Stream microbial mats are dynamic communities of phototrophic and heterotrophic organisms that develop over intra-seasonal...

Interactions Between Two Turbulent Passive Scalar Plumes Using A Novel Two-Dye Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence System

Soltys , Michael 1 ; Crimaldi , John 2 1 University of Colorado 2 University of Colorado Turbulent fluid flow plays an important role in many physical and biological mixing processes. This is exemplified by broadcast spawning, the reproductive strategy used by corals and many other marine invertebrates. Current biological...

Evapotranspiration Depletion Of Saltcedar Managed Areas In The New Mexico Arid Environment Along The Rio Grande

Solis , Jose A 1 1 Univerisity of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Many federal, state, and local water management agencies have been extremely concerned with the infestation of this exotic saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) plant due to its reputation for high water consumption and the difficulty and cost involved in its management...

Chemical Characteristics Of Dissolved Humic Substances From Arsenic-Rich Shallow Groundwater In Bangladesh

Simone , Bailey E 1 ; Legg , Teresa 2 ; McKnight , Diane 3 ; Nemergut , Diana 4 ; Zheng , Yan 5 ; Mladenov , Natalie 6 1 University of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ 2 University of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ 3 University of Colorado at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ 4 University...

Water Supply Risk On The Colorado River: Can Management Mitigate?

Rajagopalan , Balaji 1 ; Nowak , Kenneth 2 ; Prairie , James 3 ; Hoerling , Martin 4 ; Harding , Benjamin 5 ; Barsugli , Joseph 6 ; Ray , Andrea 7 ; Udall , Bradley 8 2 Presenting Author 1 Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering,...

Estimating Runoff In Glacier-Covered Watersheds In The Nepal Himalaya Using Area-Altitude Distributed Models

Racoviteanu , Adina E 1 ; Armstrong , Richard 2 ; Alford , Don 3 1 Dept. of Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado 2 National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado 3 1831 Poly Drive, Billings, Montana Glaciers are a component of...

Melt Water Influence On En-Glacial Temperature Distribution

Phillips , Thomas 1 ; Steffen , Konrad 2 ; Rajaram , Harihar 3 1 CIRES, ESOC, University of Colorado 2 CIRES, ESOC, University of Colorado 3 University of Colorado The Greenland Ice Sheet experiences a large amount of melt each summer forming moulins and a well developed en-glacial water...

Three-Dimensional Quantification Of Meltwater Flow Through A Snowpack Using A Snow Guillotine

Petrzelka , Jennifer L 1 ; Erickson , Tyler A 2 ; Williams , Mark W 3 1 University of Colorado and INSTAAR 2 Michigan Tech Research Insitute and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 3 University of Colorado and INSTAAR In areas containing seasonal snowpacks, snowmelt contributes significantly to...
