Submission & Review Access

New Submitters: Request System Access

Before you submit your first curriculum request, you need to request access to the curriculum management system (CIM). Submit the brief form below, wait to be provisioned, then go ahead and submit your academic program request or course request.

  Request Submitter Access 

Curriculum Workflows

All course additions, deletions and modifications have a predefined reviewer workflow: a sequential chain of users, assigned to roles, who are required to review and approve requests each academic year.

Workflows for course requests typically start with a faculty member, proceed to the department chair or program director, and receive final approval by the dean who oversees curricula for that college, school or program. Each college, school and program has its own unique curriculum workflow that is separate from its catalog workflow.

If you have questions about your curriculum workflow(s), contact the Office of the Registrar at

Workflow Actions

To check the progress of your course proposal or revision:​

  1. Log in to .​
  2. Use the Search box to find your course, then click on the course title.​ The course form will display below the course table.
  3. To the right of the form, you'll see two blocks:
    • The In Workflow block lists each step in the approval workflow. Completed steps are green, in-progress steps are orange, and incomplete steps are gray. If you hover over a step, the approvers' email addresses will appear in the lower left of your browser window.
    • The Approval Path block lists the approver's name and the date and time of their approval.

If you need to update the user for an existing workflow role, submit the form below.

  Request Workflow Edits 

Catalog Page Workflows

Every catalog page has a predefined reviewer workflow: a sequential chain of users, assigned to roles, who are required to review and approve the page during the annual catalog production cycle each academic year.

Workflows for academic programs pages typically start with an administrative staff member, proceed to the department chair or program director, and receive final approval by the dean who oversees curricula for that college, school or program.

If you have questions about your catalog workflow(s), contact the catalog team at

Workflow Actions

To see the users within a role:​

  1. Log in to .​
  2. Navigate to the desired catalog page.​
  3. Click the "Edit Page" icon (upper left).
  4. At the bottom of the page, click the "Workflow" link.​
  5. A pop-up workflow preview window lists the roles in that page's workflow and the person(s) in each role.

If you've had staff turnover or otherwise need to adjust workflows for any of your pages, submit the form below.

  Request a Workflow Edit 

When catalog pages are ready for your review, you'll receive an automated email from the Office of the Registrar that includes:​

  The name of your role (subject line)​
  Which page is ready for your review â€‹
  A direct link to your approval queue​
  Links to training resources​

If your queue looks empty, confirm that your role is showing in the drop-down menu (upper right).

For information about how to edit and approve catalog pages, see our .