Published: Oct. 3, 2017
Sarah Fahmy in Statue of Liberty Costume, looking forward, arms raises

Sarah Fahmy, in her first month as an MA student of Theatre at CU, performed at the  at the Goodman Theater downtown Chicago on Saturday Sept. 16, 2017. The performance was Shine, written and directed by CU Associate Professor of Theatre Beth Osnes to engage youth in city planning for resilience, climate and clean energy. This performance featured Fahmy as Sol, MacLaey Bolgatz as Foss, and many more talented young performers from the Chicago area. A book on lessons learned from the international tour of Shine is entitled Performance for Resilience: Engaging Youth on Energy and Climate through Music, Movement, and Theatre (Palgrave Macmillan). See the for all the materials needed to integrate this performance into classroom learning. This entire project is a part of Inside the Greenhouse, a CU initiative co-directed by Osnes to retell the stories of climate in creative and engaging ways.