Published: Sept. 8, 2016

Every day on campus, you will see university staff working to make campus a beautiful and safe place to learn and work. In addition, the changing academic, research and student life needs of the university necessitate ongoing construction and maintenance projects to upgrade existing structures and create new ones.

Right now for example, the university has a project to construct a new building atop the Euclid Autopark and the City of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ has a project on the south edge of main campus to build an underpass under Baseline Road. Both projects are in very high traffic, crowded, central locations.

Work zones are constantly moving and changing, so construction contractors and university staff will use barricades, tape, cones and other methods to alert you of hazards. In many cases, they will use signage to indicate detours. It is very important that as you move through campus, you respect these work zones and follow detours that are posted for you.

Safety Tips

We ask for your heightened awareness as you travel around campus and to adhere to the following safety precautions:

  • Exercise caution when walking, biking or driving in the vicinity of construction sites
  • Obey construction signs and construction personnel providing direction through the work zones
  • Bikers and skateboarders should dismount in all dismount zones
  • Use sidewalks, stay within enclosed walking areas and follow pavement markings
  • Keep in mind that trucks and other construction equipment may have limited visibility, and they can take longer to stop than other vehicles
  • Report any unsafe conditions or emergencies to
Construction sign

Construct CU: Please be aware of construction work!