Gospel Choir

Gospel Choir

Gospel Choir is a unique, ministry-focused, 85-voice ensemble whose members perform some of the best of African-American sacred music — including gospel, spirituals, and praise and worship — in concerts and at special events on and off campus. Gospel Choir provides students with superior performance and ministry experience, as members engage the culture at the highest levels of artistic complexity and competence.

As a Gospel Choir member, you will experience a rich and robust environment for vocal, spiritual, and leadership development, both as an individual and as part of an ensemble. You will also study African-American sacred music, including its development, construction, and expression, in MUS 4301: Choral Society: Gospel Choir. You will grow in awareness in your personal expression of faith, through text, sonority, and other musical elements.

Through the Gospel Choir, you can find a place of belonging, a sense of unity, and a source of community. It provides an avenue for the worship of God, utilizing the best efforts of humankind to create meaningful expressions of worship.


Membership in Gospel Choir is open to Music majors, Music minors, and nonmajors, and no audition is required.


Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Gospel Choir
Overture from Reconciled, by Gerry Marsh* (Live 2009)
Gerry Marsh, Conductor; Stephen Michael Newby, Conductor

Download MP3

Director and Faculty Contact

Stephen Newby

Professor of Music; Director of Composition; Director of the Center for Worship
DMA, University of Michigan

Email: newbys@spu.edu
Office: Crawford 207

Arts Events

Arts Events at SPU

SPU hosts many arts-related events throughout the year. Pictured above: SPU Theatre Department production of "The Billy Goats Gruff" by John Davies, directed by Don Yanik.

Stephen Newby teaching

Why I Teach at SPU

Stephen Newby, Associate Professor of Music and Director of University Ministries and the Center for Worship

"I love to teach music at SPU because I get to equip and nurture the next generation of creators, innovators, inventors and artists. Teaching is an extraordinary gift from God. I believe the Wise Creator is the giver of every good and perfect gift. Therefore, I am blessed to teach."