Office of Student Ministries

Opening Communion 2014

The Office of Student Ministries equips students as they prepare for a lifetime of engaging the culture and changing the world. Our aim is holistic formation in students — spiritually, intellectually, and vocationally.

Components of our mission

Together, we view the following as essential components of our mission:

  • Worship, reminding us who God is, what God has done for us, who we are as a community, and what we are called to do in the world.
  • Discipleship, committing to individual and corporate habits by which students learn about and practice what it means to follow Christ.
  • Reconciliation, participating in God’s work of reconciling all things in Christ, whether personal or communal, physical or spiritual, local or global.     

Student Worship band members help lead Chapel services

Chapel Schedule

Chapel services welcome speakers from campus and beyond as the community worships together. Discover this quarter’s speakers.