Considering Seminary? Immersion 2022 - In-person and Online
If you’ve ever wondered whether seminary was for you, or want to deepen your understanding of Christian faith, join Seattle Pacific Seminary for Immersion, in-person on Thursday, April 21 or online Friday, April 22 or Friday, April 29, 2022.
Immersion will offer an opportunity to learn more about the various Seminary programs and hear from faculty and staff. The event will be a great opportunity to meet other prospective students, and to get a sense of an SPS course via a class visit.
Both domestic and international students who attend Immersion will receive a $500 scholarship for their studies. This is above and beyond any aid you may already qualify for through FAFSA and SPU’s institutional aid. You simply need to complete a Seminary scholarship and be admitted to and matriculate in Seattle Pacific Seminary.
Thursday, April 21; Friday, April 22; or Friday, April 29
In-Person on SPU's campus (April 21) OR Webinar via Zoom Conferencing (April 22 or April 29)
Register online for ; April 22; or .
- Welcome by Rev. Derick Harris, Associate Dean of Seminary Administration
- Learn about SPS’s Theological Vision with Rev. Derick Harris, Associate Dean of Seminary Administration
- Application Process and Scholarships
- Q&A
- Closing
At the in-person event, attendees can choose to attend one of the following courses:
- 3-5:35 p.m. THEO 6730: Foundations of Student and Family Ministry (2021-2022) - This course explores the biblical and psychological foundations of family and family relationships in relation to holistic ministry in the church. Various contemporary ministry models for emerging adults and their families will be discussed and evaluated
- 6-8:35 p.m. THEO 6090: Theology/Ethics III: Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and the Global Church(2021-2022) - This course explores the basic beliefs and practices of the historic Christian faith in active engagement with the contemporary world. The course introduces students to the doctrines of the Holy Spirit, the church, and Christian hope with particular attention to their ethical, missional, and devotional embodiments.
If you have questions call 206-281-2342 or email