Celeste Moreno is a PhD student in the Creative Communities research group, advised by Ricarose Roque, assistant professor of information science. Celestedesigns and researches creative learning experiences for learners of all ages that combine tools and ideas from multiple disciplines, such as computing, artand science. She received an MS in Creative Technology and Design from the «Ƶ and aBA in biological and pre-medical illustration from Iowa State University.
C. Moreno,R. Roque. 2023. “”. In:Proceedings of the ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference (C&C ‘23)(Virtual, June 19-21, 2023).
Finch, L., Moreno, C.& Shapiro, R.B. Teacher and student enactments of a transdisciplinary art-science-computing unit.Instr Sci48,525–568 (2020).(June 25, 2020).
Abigail Zimmermann-Niefield, Shawn Polson,Celeste Moreno, and R. Benjamin Shapiro. 2020. Youth making machine learning models for gesture-controlled interactive media. InProceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference(IDC '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 63–74. DOI:. (London, UK–June 2020).