- 2020. Tangible Interfaces with Printed Paper Markers. (to appear) In Proceedings of the 2020 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’20). DOI: (Eindhoven, Netherlands (virtual) – July 6-20, 2020).
- 2019. The Coerciveness of the Primary Key: Infrastructure Problems in Human Services Work. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3, CSCW, Article 51 (November 2019), 26 pages. (Austin, Texas – Nov. 9-13, 2019).
- The Laboratory for Playful Computation has developed technology that enables middle-school students to quickly create networks, connect devices, invent apps and design wearable technology. Â
- Middle school students with limited prior programming experience develop interactive, creative, networked technologies.