Academic Areas of Emphasis Information and Resources

Accounting students graduate with a comprehensive understanding of the theory and concepts that underlie accounting practice. Coursework emphasizes logical reasoning and the development, understanding, and use of information, enabling students to solve problems in accounting and management while making informed accounting policy decisions.

The business analytics area of emphasis gives you the technical acumen and business perspective needed to become a confident change agent who makes evidence-based decisions that solve complex problems. 

The Finance Area of Emphasis addresses issues in the financial services and securities area. Curriculum introduces students to financial management, money and capital markets, investments and derivative securities, and financial institutions. Students obtain the core knowledge they’ll need for entry-level positions in any area of financial management.

Customizable and immediately applicable, Management and Entrepreneurship students are team-oriented, horizontally organized and globally competitive. To ensure close alignment with their professional aspirations, this Area of Emphasis offers students four different tracks to choose from: Information Analytics, Leadership, Operations Management, Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, and Talent Management.

Lead by a marketing faculty that is among the top 20 in the world, marketing students learn how to strategically influence business practices by identifying customer desires, developing products and services to meet those demands, establishing communications to promote products and services, and monitoring transactions and customer responses to guide future activities.

Students in the Real Estate Area of Emphasis explore the link between real estate and capital markets while developing real estate decision-making skills and analyzing opportunities.

Area of Emphasis Guides

Explore Accounting through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in public accounting, corporate accounting, government and non-profit organizations.

Explore Business Analytics through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in data analytics, market research, consulting and more.

Explore Finance through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in corporate or public finance; commercial, public and retail banking; personal financial planning, investment banking and money management.

Explore Information Management through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in consulting, digital marketing, financial services, IT services and more.

Explore a Leadership focus addition to several management tracks through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in supply chain management, IT management and more.

Explore Marketing through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in advertising, market research, brand/product management, marketing consumer goods and more.

Explore Operations Management through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in aerospace, construction, electronics, financial services, healthcare and more.

Personal financial planning is a track option within your Finance emphasis area. The program’s curriculum has been approved by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. After successfully completing the PFP courses, you will be eligible to sit for the national CFP® Certification Examination.

Explore Real Estate through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in investment, development, asset/property management and more.

Explore Social Responsibility & Sustainability through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in sustainability consulting, CRS reporting, risk managing and more.

Explore Strategy and Entrepreneurship through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in consulting, energy, fashion, information technology, non-profit, transportation and more.

Explore Talent Management through this guide on suggested and required coursework as well as career opportunities in consulting, consumer products, education, government, healthcare, real estate and more.

Programs, experiences & opportunities

Options for students with outstanding academic and/or leadership accomplishments

Prepare for today’s business world through one of five global programs to over 20 countries

Professional development & networking support for diverse & under-represented students

A supportive first-year residential living and learning experience that creates a foundation for student success

Cross-functional learning applied to real-world situations

Innovative programs and access to female leaders to foster women in business at all levels

Holistic approach helps students graduate in four years at rates higher than national benchmarks

Choose from 29 business specializations to help focus, strengthen, and optimize your degree for the future you envision

Colorado Undergraduate Business School

Undergraduate and graduate students to put their knowledge to use through a variety of critical thinking, leadership development and personalized career development programs.


MSBA Accounting Degree
MBA & MS Programs
Minor in Business
Certificate Programs
Executive MBA


Created for non-business majors so that they can effectively perform in an emerging global business environment.

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