Robbie SinghWhy did you decide to come to Leeds?Ìý
I came to Leeds because I love the school and the city of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ! I was accepted into the Leeds Scholars Program, and that helped me capitalize on my leadership abilities I developed in High School. Leeds is one of the most highly respected business schools in the nation, so that opportunity was too good to pass up! I actually didn't even apply to any other schools. I knew that Leeds was the one for me.Ìý

What is one thing you learned at Leeds that you will never forget?Ìý
I learned about the power of networking. Since my freshman year, I have kept a detailed spreadsheet of practically every person I have networked with (their name, company, job title, when I met them, other details). By staying well-networked, I leveraged an internship with the Denver Broncos, and I hope to have a job with them this upcoming summer!Ìý

Tell us about a particular professor or mentor that influenced you while you were at Leeds.Ìý
Brian Higgins, my Professional Selling professor, has had the greatest influence on my life. I am a finance major, but my passion is sales, and Professor Higgins truly helped me unlock my potential by teaching me the fundamentals of professional selling. I distinctly remember the way he would teach our class; it was almost as if he was telling a long story, and that is a trait that I will carry with me forever.Ìý

What is one piece of advice/best practice that has stuck with you throughout your career?Ìý
One of my high school teachers, Allen Hankla, once told me "You'll be good at a lot of things, and you'll like a lot of things. When you can combine what you like with what you're good at, that is when you will find a career."Ìý

What advice would you give to anyone interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?Ìý
More often than not, it is not about what you know, but about who you know. We all have the same degrees, so make sure to be well-networked. Email people whom you would like to stay in touch with once every 3-6 months. I first met my connection at the Denver Broncos when I was 13 years old. I emailed him twice a year, providing life updates and expressing interest in a career with the organization. I finally became an intern with them at the age of 21 — eight years of networking for a job was a small price for something that I truly loved.Ìý

What does life look like for you after graduation?
After graduation, I will be fully pursuing a career in sales. I think most people have a negative perception of sales, but I am passionate about sales because I love helping people. My greatest strengths are certainly communication and relationship management. I think that by developing corporate partnerships, I will truly be able to make the world better.

What advice would you give to incoming first-year students about Leeds?
It's completely OK to not know what you want to do. I'm about to start my professional career, and I only figured out what I wanted to do a few months ago. Enjoy your time here; live in the moment, and try not to worry about the future. This is your time to become whoever you want to be, so make the most of it.

To nominate yourself or a fellow Leeds alumnus or alumna to be in an upcoming alumni newsletter,Ìý

May 2020