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Daniels Fund 2023 National Case Competition

National Case Comp 2023 group photo

CONGRATULATIONS to our graduate team from the , who took second place in the  Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program National Case Competition yesterday! After much intense preparation, Yamineesh Kanaparthy, , , and  delivered a pair of virtuosic presentations to bring home the silver. The team was expertly coached by .

This year's event was the first time that Leeds' grad team has placed in the top three in this annual competition, which brings together teams from 11 Rocky Mountain Region institutions of higher ed to present detailed ethics consulting solutions--rooted in principles-based ethics--for a complex business scenario.

Leeds' undergraduate team--comprised of , , , and --also put up a powerhouse performance, drawing on ingenious metaphor and sharp analysis. This team had incredible coaching from both  and 

Thanks to  and  for supporting both teams!