EDSC 3359: Teaching Secondary Science (1-3)
Designed to assist students in relating their understanding in various science disciplines to the practical problems of planning and implementing learning experiences for secondary students. The emphasis is on the use of inquiry/problem solving approaches to science learning. May be repeated for credit up to 3 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDU 2300: D or better
EDSC 4250: Science Methods (3)
This course will prepare elementary teachers to deliver science content through a focus on key scientific ideas and practices.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Education, Education Certification Majors only.
Prerequisites: (BIO 2569: D or better
OR BIO 2570: D or better
OR BIO 2571: D or better)
AND (PHY 2571: D or better
AND PHY 2572: D or better)
OR (PHY 2567: D or better
AND PHY 2568: D or better)